A Nest of Vipers Pt. 4

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Finley wakes up to the sun shining in his face and he groans. He shuts his eyes tightly, trying not to move or he fears his hips will break.

The two didn't fall asleep until at least seven in the morning. Spells, Cailin had stamina like a damn bunny. Not that Finley minded, but he's dead exhausted.

He turns his head to the other side, refusing to turn on his side. Sleeping on his stomach will have to be something he'll need to get used too.

Once he opens his eyes again, he shouts in shock to see the blue eyed demon already staring at him. Cailin slowly grins and Finley groans even louder, cheeks turning a bright red as he turns his head back towards the sun. He'll deal with the death rays instead.

"I... cannot believe we did that," the blonde mumbles, taking a deep breath to soothe the pounding headache he has from drinking a little too much last night.

"I can," Cailin spouts, earning Finley to turn his head back around to glare ferociously.

"My mother? Is going to murder me."

"She won't know."

"She won't know?!" Finley gets onto his knees, holding back a shocked gasp in pain as he shows off his bruised body from head to toe. "What were you trying to do?! Devour me?!"

Cailin tilts his head, eyes going hooded in a familiar look that has Finley backing up just slightly.

"Yeah. Kind of."

"There's no way I can hide all of these! It's June!"

Cailin slowly sits up, hair just as wild as Finley's as he looks at him up and down. "I don't want you to hide them."


"Everyone will know you belong to me." Finley cheeks brighten, stuttering but not having anything to say to that. "Besides, you were the one who told me to keep going."

Stuttering Finley is gone now. "Excuse you?!"

"Oh yeah. Oh, Cailin, please! Bite me more-!" 

Finley pushes him aggressively, only for it to backfire and Cailin pushes him back, the blonde landing hard on his back and the older boy quickly straddles him and all his naked glory.

Finley's head rattles with the hangover and he groans, the sound cutting short when the brunette connects their lips hard, the blonde arching.

"I love you," Cailin mutters against his lips and Finley wraps his arms around the other boy's neck.

"And I love you."

"Another round?"

"... Yeah okay."   

"No more! Get off me!" Finley yells after another hour of getting lost in his soulmate, his body littered with even more bruises.

He pushes Cailin off him, the golden boy laughing loudly, laying there like a panther, sated, and it has Finley hesitating again. The blonde shakes his head, getting out the trance.

"Spells, I need a shower, right now." He tries to get out of the bed, his legs giving out on him and he falls to the floor in pain.

Cailin giggles, looking over the side of the mattress and tilts his head. "Want me to carry you to the shower?"

Finley stares, killing his soulmate in his mind - lovingly - before turning his head away and huffing stubbornly.

Cailin gets up, picking up the blonde and wrapping both of them in the comforter before opening the door with magic, coming face to face with a shocked, wide eyed Sarah.

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