The Phoenix vs. the Thunderbird

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The next chapter, will be the last. Not sure whether an epilogue will happen. Thank you all so much for traveling on this emotional journey with me! If you have questions, I would love to do a Q&A after the final chapter if people are up for it.
Cailin quickly sets up the bath as Finley pretty much chugs the entire pitcher, ignoring the cup that sits all alone on the nightstand.

The brunette makes sure the temperature of the water is perfect, before walking back into the bedroom and crossing his arms as Finley continues to drink from the pitcher for a couple more seconds before he sets it down to breathe.

Cailin chuckles. "Ready for a bath?" He asks, and Finley nods with an awkward smile. Cailin calls for King, who comes in to take out the IV, before leaving so the two can get ready to finally get themselves clean.

Finley sets the pitcher to the side, burping and Cailin chuckles again as he pulls his lover to the edge of the bed.

"Arms up."

The blonde is about to do just that, but then he looks down at himself and sees the ugly skin on his arms and legs and hesitates. He looks up at Cailin shyly and the brunette's smile softens.

He comes closer, setting his hands on Finley's cheeks. "You're beautiful, no matter how you look. This the real you, the one without all the illusion, and I love you. Don't be scared to show me all of you. It's not I haven't seen it thousands of times before."

Finley slaps his lover's stomach, making Cailin laugh again and step back, taking the end of Finley's shirt.

"Arms up."

The blonde hesitates a little more, but when he meets his eyes with blue ones, filled with love and encouragement, he grudgingly raises his arms.

Cailin's smile brightens and he peels the dirty shirt up and over Finley's head, working his pants off as well. Cailin then lifts his soulmate into his arms, Finley still a little too weak to walk around, and takes him to the bathroom. He slowly sets the blonde inside the rub, Finley humming happily.

"I'll get your breakfast..."

Finley sits with his front facing the bathroom door as he eats his breakfast. Cailin's joined him in the bath, happily washing Finley's long hair and grinning at the bliss on the blonde's face.

"I love you," Cailin suddenly blurts, Finley hesitating before the blonde tilts his head back to smile sweetly.

"And I love you."

"I'm sorry I couldn't come see you... It's my fault you got this bad."

Finley's smile immediately changes to a big frown as he turns around, the water splashing around them.

"Why do you think it's your fault?"

There's silence for a moment, both of them staring at one another before Cailin moves to grab the body wash.

Finley let's him collect his thoughts, silently pushing his arm out so his soulmate can begin washing him.

"I could have done something to escape my room. I have a god inside me for crying out loud... I'm much stronger than my grandfather, I could've blasted through his magic..."

Finley continues to frown, shaking his head. "You were weak, Cay, and I don't mean this in an insulting way. We hadn't seen in each other in a while, and that effects our magic. I don't blame you for anything. I never once questioned why you wouldn't come see me, I trust you wholeheartedly. I knew there had to be a valid reason."

They begin another staring contest for a while, until Finley's frown turns into a small smile. "Would becoming my slave for the day make you feel better."

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