A Nest of Vipers Pt. 2

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Finley sits in the kitchen in complete silence, staring at the wooden table blankly. He hears the scuttle of claws against the tile, Trixie giving a nervous chirp as she flies onto the table, the size of a kitten as she tilts her head.

Cailin left minutes ago, teardrops are still trying to evaporate on the floor by the door in which he left from.

Finley doesn't see Trixie, continuing to stare and he doesn't feel his mothers presence as she comes out of hiding from her office, tears spilling out of her eyes as she slowly walks into the kitchen, not knowing if her son is about to snap.

She heard everything. She's disgusted with her son. She can't believe he would do such a thing to so many people, but she can't say she's shocked.

It was only a matter of time before the curse of being a descendant of such a vile kingdom got to him.

Penelope doesn't say a word as she gets closer and closer to the blonde that's eerily still. She takes a breath before wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug, pressing a kiss to his head and Trixie hops into his lap.

Her icy scales seep into the fabric of Finley's pants and the dragon grins when the blonde snaps out of it, slowly petting her as tears slowly well up in his eyes again.

"I've lost him..." He whispers and Penelope trembles. "Haven't I?" He continues, and Penelope shakes her head.

"No, silly... You haven't lost him."

"How? I'm dirtied now. I've turned into what he despises... What his kingdom despises-"

"Now stop right there," the nanny snaps, moving away and to the side to face her son whose never looked so broken.

"Your kingdoms have nothing to do with how the two of you feel. Just because he's the prince of the enemy kingdom, doesn't mean he has the same opinions as the rest of his kingdom does. You two grew up together, your bond is very strong-"

"What does our bond have to do with anything? I've killed people. I've killed my own race."

"Do you regret it?"

"I... No."

"You would do it again?"


"Would you kill him?"

Finley's face is red from frustration as he stands, Trixie hopping to the floor and watching with sad eyes as her master paces.

"No! I've never thought to do that, ever! I love him-!"

Penelope grabs the sobbing boy by the shoulders. "Then that love should be a sign that yes, you're evil Fin. You're the most evil in all your kingdom, but you're still human."

"I don't understand! You should hate me, he should hate me! I'm a murderer!"

"I don't hate you! I could never hate you, you're my son!"

The blonde then collapses into his mothers arms and she holds him tightly. "I strongly dislike you right now, but I can never hate you. I'm disappointed that you've let yourself do something so vile..."

Finley loses the feeling in his knees and they both sink to the floor. "And Cailin could never hate you either. He's probably in shock, and he most likely dislikes you the same amount that I do. That's all. You just need to give him time."
Christine holds her son against her on the couch after his burst of anger. He's thrown all the glass all over the room, the couch seats have been shredded from magic and all the pictures have been knocked to the floor.

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