The Rose and his Thorn (Epilogue)

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Heeled shoes clack against the pavement as a pink frilled dress spins through the humid wind. People turn and stare as the young girl pushes through the masses of people, a smile big on her face as she almost trips, catching herself with a giggle before continuing to run straight to Golden Ridge's castle.

The golden gates are open, streamers popping out of wands and music thumping through the streets as people celebrate the day of crowning the new king.

In the front gardens, guards and citizens dance around the large fountain, but the girl ignores it all, secretly running towards the sides of the castle to sneak to the back.

She huffs, picking up her dress as she moves uncomfortably through the overgrown grass, groaning in annoyance as she finally makes it to the back garden, where Sarah is waiting.

The princess turns, smiling big as she rushes over.

"There you are, Fin! Come on, we're going to be late!"

Finley grins as he takes Sarah hand and they both rush up the back steps, giggling with each other excitedly as the guards let them in with smiles on their faces, bowing. "Good evening Princess, and the mistress."

Finley blushes, Sarah grinning. "Good evening! Has it started?"

"You're right on time."

The two sprint down the hallway, heading towards the ballroom that has the doors open and people flooding inside.

"Let's take the back way!" Sarah mumbles, pulling Finley down another hallway towards a locked door that the princess unlocks with a flick of her hand.

She turns to Finley, smile widening. "You ready?"

The blonde hesitates, straightening and Sarah fusses over his dress, both of them suddenly trying to fix the loose pieces of his braided hair and straighten the frills on his dress, fixing the lace sleeves.

"Damn. I'm never going to get used to this," Finley mutters in annoyance, Sarah chuckling.

"Well, you look great." She sets her hands on his shoulders, Finley taking a deep breath. "Just stand and smile. Don't cry."

The dark prince blows air out through his nose as he grins shakily with a nod. "Don't cry," he agrees, Sarah nodding with him.

"It'll mess up your makeup."


They both stare at each other for a moment, before taking each other's hands and silently screaming, having a mini dance party for a couple seconds before calming down immediately, clearing their throats as Sarah takes the door and pushes it open.

The large ballroom is filled with long rows of seats that the civilians take up, two large thrones sit at the top of the platform, King William and Queen Quinlynn sitting in them together with the prince and princess standing next to them.

Cailin stands on the middle of the platform on the other side of a table, a priest on the other side as they talk in hushed voices.

And then there's the crown.

Standing on a small, tall square table on the floor in front of the platform.

It glitters in the light shining in from the open doors. There are seven tall humps of glittered golden jewels around the front, and the back is a simple golden band. It's identical to the crown Finley will be putting on his head in a couple of months, but Black Ridge's is with black jewels.

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