The Eagle and the Falcon Pt. 5

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"Alright class, everyone should already have their wands activated, so now we can start off with the most basic of spells," Mr. Len states as walks in front of us.

We're all lined up with our wands in the large classroom, awaiting command silently while a Universe Dragon stands at attention by the back doors.

Finley is shaking in his boots he's so excited. He wants to make his teachers proud, and be judged all good things by the Universe Dragon. This is chance into getting a dragon.

"Now, let's start off with one of the easiest... well, easiest in my book." Mr. Len holds up his brown and boring wand, smiling. "A flame."

A tiny candle flame sprouts from the tip of the wand, small, but the entire class is already entranced.

"A simple light source, easy to cast, and easy to maintain. Level one stuff that shouldn't cause too much mental strain. All you have to do is connect with your wand, and imagine what you want it to do."

He walks in front of each student, letting each of them catch a closer look.

"For now, we let you imagine the flame with your eyes closed, for it's much easier to do than  with your eyes open, completely vulnerable to distractions." He stops at the beginning of the line, smiling down at the first girl. "Anna, you will go first."

Anna is a small petite but fiery girl. She was the next one after Cailin and Finley to successfully awaken her wand.

She steps up to the middle of the classroom, right next to Ms. Green who smiles down at her calmly. "Wand up."

Anna follows the command, glancing at the Universe Dragon that watches without an expression.

"Close your eyes and make the flame."

Anna closes her eyes, eyebrows furrowing in concentration as Ms. Green walks around her. "Don't try too hard, let the connection come to you."

Anna's forehead relaxes, and soon enough, a flame pops at the end of her wand, albeit shaky and a little uncontrolled, but she managed.


Anna opens her eyes with a smile as Ms. Green nods at her. "Great job, Anna. Next, Liz."

Finley and Cailin glance at each other, forgetting she was even in the class.

Liz marches forward, giving Anna a high-five before coming to the middle of the classroom. Liz glances to the Universe Dragon, who still hasn't moved a muscle.

Ms. Green nods at her. "Wand up, close your eyes."

Liz nods, closing her eyes and lifting her wand. Finley notices the nervousness in her system, and she's not at all focused. She's fidgety, and can't seem to stay still.

"Calm yourself, Liz. You won't be able to concentrate if you're constantly moving," Ms. Green tells her and Liz stops moving, biting her lip and opening one eye to look straight at Cailin, before it closes again and a flame pops at the tip of her wand, claps from other students going around.

"There you go. Easy, isn't it? Good job, Liz. Next, William."

Finley doesn't notice he's glaring at Liz as she makes her way back in line, giving Cailin a sweet and innocent smile that Cailin swiftly ignores.

Julian bumps onto Finley's hip who quickly snaps out of it.

"I would stop glaring if you don't want anymore attention on you than there already is," he mumbles, and Finley's cheeks pink as he looks at the ground and waits for his name to be called.

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