The Champion and his Apprentice Pt. 5

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No words are spoken as the boys ride up the elevator towards King's quarters. Nile is obviously against whatever is about to happen, the frown deep on his face when the elevator door opens.

He doesn't knock, just opens the door and they all enter, the boys seeing King sitting at his desk, a frown on his face as well as he magically twirls a a feather pen in the air without using his hands, glancing to the teens who enter. The pen falls to the desk surface, Lavender greeting the two of them with a wagging tail and sniffs to their legs. Finley absently scratches her scales before both of the boys move to sit in the two chairs in front of the mages desk.

King sighs, sitting back in his chair with Nile standing obediently next to him. "Hello again, boys. You two look rested and healthy," the mage begins, earning a nervous smile from Finley and a bland stare from Cailin.

King hesitates before folding his hands on the desk. "So i've had this mission for the two of you for a while. I wouldn't really call it a mission, sense this entire adventure will be about you two..."

He hesitates a bit more. "There's no easy way to tell you both this, so i'll be frank. I'm sure one of you have heard of St. Ives."

Cailin glances to Finley who swallows and nods. "Yes... My other half didn't tell me anything about him, just the name."

King nods before slouching. "Well i'll start by saying St. Ives was the one person who told me about you two. He told me I would come to meet you both, the prophecy and how to properly train you."

The boys don't move and King sighs. "But that's about it. Do I know where the two of you come from? Yes."

At this, the boys sit up in excitement but King holds up a finger. "But, i'm not the person to tell you about that. All I know is where you come from, but all the gritty details, St. Ives must have. That's why you two must go to him..."

"When?" Finley asks, King hesitating a bit more.

"Tomorrow night."

"October the 31st," the blonde states right after, slouching his chair.

King grins a little sadly. "Come over here..." He stands, walking to the middle of his office, the boys sitting down around on the couches as King taps the table and throws his hand in the air.

A large white projection of a familiar mansion twirls lightly in the air, Cailin and Finley both sharing a small shocked look.

It's an exact replica of Finley's large drawing.

"This is St. Ives's mansion. Every year, once a year on October the 31st, he'll host one of the biggest parties in mage history..."

The white projection suddenly brightens, ghostly apparitions of people walking up the grand steps, shadows of people dancing in the windows and the bright lights making the mansion so lively.

"The most powerful of mages come to this party, hoping to get advice on how to make their magic more advanced. St. Ives is a man who knows everything, and people try their hardest to get noticed by him every year... but they only have a limited amount of time. The party ends at 3 AM the next morning. And the mansion goes dark..."

The white and glowing mansion suddenly turns a dull and ghastly gray. The place looking barren and ugly, not a soul to be seen.

"Not another light turns on until the next party. Some people like to believe that St. Ives doesn't even live in that mansion, just hosting there once a year. A man who knows all is a dangerous one with many enemies, he can't live in a certain place for long."

"Which is why you want us to go tomorrow? It's the only time we can before the prophecy."


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