The Eagle and the Falcon Pt. 3

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"I'm sorry about all of this..."

"Sh, Fin, nothing is your fault."

Cailin holds his best friend close to his chest, arms wrapped around his small frame as he rocks slowly. Slow movement like this always calmed his fairy down, helped him clear his head and make him a little more happy.

It's a day after the conversation with Ash. From what Penelope had told the kids, Ash had a long talk with all the teachers who were all fired from their jobs, becoming nannies and nannies becoming teachers. Finley won't lie, he's excited to see his new teachers, and he promised himself he will be a bit more talkative. He wants to learn, and he's going to try harder, he's not a baby anymore.

But there's a rumor going around that even Ash was spoken too, and all the council members. Rumor states that King called them all back, and supposedly didn't know that these "so called tests" were happening.

How did someone figure that out, nobody knows. It was just a rumor anyway going around his family, but Finley is super stressed out about it, thinking the whole world is against him because he caused change.

Both of the kids can hear Penelope, Ash, Ender and Christine talking in the living room. Sarah is at her friends dorm, so they don't need to worry about her. Finley trembles in Cailin's arms and Cailin sighs, still rocking back and forth.

"To be completely honest, Fin, this should be a lot better. They should leave you alone."

Finley sighs before slowly sitting up and Cailin lets him, watching as he runs his hand through his hair. "I guess that's a plus..."

"You bet it is. Now come on, let's start helping Nanny Penelope with dinner."
"Mother! The Gloria Aura starts in a week!" Sarah yells at the top of her lungs on a Saturday. The boys are now in eighth grade, thirteen years old and Sarah starting sixth and turning eleven.

Christine stands in the kitchen, stirring some vegetable soup in a pot on the stove while Cailin sits at the table, mouth drooling as his stomach grumbles.

Sarah tugs excitedly on her nanny's dress, jumping up and down in excitement because it will be the first time she'll be able to go.

The Gloria Aura is a celebration that the KSDL holds once every year, like News Years, but they celebrate the day of creation when the KSDL was built.

Gloria Aura was actually a person. Word tells that it was King's wife who died of a terrible sickness. She was the one that really made the school and put it together, with the help of her husband. So in dedication, they named the celebration after her in remembrance, even though nobody has ever met her.

It's a celebration filled with lights, food and fireworks. It's a big dance where people come together in harmony.

Finley and Cailin have never been, they just didn't really care about the celebration but Cailin is actually thinking about going now sense his sister will be joining them.

"I know, Sarah. Have you asked anyone to go with you?"

Sarah's cheeks pinked but she shakes her head. "No, of course not! Me and Camille are just going together."

"Sounds nice. Now get some plates and set the table."

Sarah begins to protest, but with a smack from the towel and a sharp look, both of the children are up and getting the silverware and plates ready.

A knock sounds and Cailin looks up. "I'll get it." He walks over to the door, opening it and smiling at Penelope, Finley, and Julian standing outside the door.

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