The Vulture and his Raven Pt. 5

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"Tilt your head back."

"I don't want too."

"Do you want to stop looking like a demon or not?" Cailin asks sharply, earning a confused look from the younger boy.

"Do I really look that bad?"


Finley begins to tear the blankets off him, determined to get to a mirror. "I want to see."

"No, don't move!" Cailin snaps, twirling his wand and making the other boy smack back against his pillows. "I'll get you a handheld..."

Cailin moves quickly off the bed, Finley sighing when the door opens, Lavender waddling in with a chirp.

Finley grins, sitting up and leaning over the bed to grab at the platter the dragon brought in on her back.

"Thank you, Lavender."

The dragon chirps happily again before racing out the room just when Cailin walks back in with a mirror. "Here, look..."

Finley takes the mirror, only to flinch back when he sees himself. "Oh wow, I do look like a demon..."

"A pretty demon."

Finley throws the mirror at his friend who successfully dodges with a roll of his eyes. "An aggressive demon."

He gets onto the bed, forcing Finley's head back and the blonde yelps as Cailin puts the drops into his eyes quickly, the younger boy pushing him away after it.

"It burns!" He yells, waving at his face as his eyes are kept shut, Cailin sighing again.

"Whatever, you baby. Now eat your food so you can take your medicine."

Finley pouts, sitting back and setting the tray on his lap. "When will you let me walk around?"

"When you're not in danger of fainting."

"I feel fine."

Cailin stares at the blonde for a couple of seconds, before getting up and pointing at the food. "Eat."

He then walks into the bathroom to grab some more cold towels, with the younger boy rolling his eyes.
"Not feeling so good now?"

Finley groans as he curls into a ball, shivering and shaking his head.

"Do you want cuddles?"

The younger boy nods and Cailin chuckles before getting under the covers and wrapping his arms around his best friend.

"Calm down, you're okay. You took your medicine, everything will stay in your stomach."

Finley sighs, an odd shiver running through his body before he completely relaxes. "I want to stop feeling like this..." Finley mumbles, before tensing again and grabbing at his temples, making Cailin release him as Finley moves to his back to groan in pain.

"And the voice won't shut up..."

"What is it saying?"

Finley hesitates, eyes opening to a now pinkish red around the iris. "It just keeps telling me how pathetic I am..."

Cailin glares. "You're not though. You're one of the strongest people I know."

"It told me it wanted to kill Liz..." Finley whispers, turning to Cailin who's glare lessens to a worried one.


"I know what it sounds like..." Finley mumbles, swallowing hard. "I didn't think it would ever tell me something like that, but i'm not crazy. I'm not, Cay, i'm-"

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