The Champion and his Apprentice Pt. 2

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"Wake up boys! It's time for breakfast then you have to head to school."

The boys groan, tangled up in each other when Penelope and Christine flick on the lights, Sarah banging pots and pans together and Finley rolling over, trying to get back to sleep.

"Come on, the continuation of sophomore year, is a go!" Penelope shakes Finley a little, Christine taking a much more violent approach and simply smacking her son on the face, making him shout.

"Mom!" Cailin yells, angry as Christine yanks the covers off and Finley slowly raises his head, blinking and looking around to try and wake himself up, Cailin sitting up and huffing as Sarah sets a plate of food down on his lap.

"You feeling okay, honey?" Penelope asks as Finley slowly raises himself with a nod.

"Just lightheaded."

"You're probably hungry. Sarah, go and fetch another plate," Christine demands, and Sarah doesn't hesitate to skip out of the room and Finley yawns, sitting criss-cross and the boys don't look at each other, or even say good morning, causing the mothers to glance at each other before Christine clears her throat.

"You two excited? I hear things have been picking up now since the class has all their eggs hatched."

Finley shrugs, not feeling like talking, for something seems so odd about today. He feels on edge, flinching when Sarah comes back with another plate of eggs and bacon.

"Here you go..." She mumbles with a smile as she sets the plate down, and Finley whispers a thank you before slowly beginning to eat.

"Well you two have an hour to get ready. The dragons will stay here with Lavender until you come back and start training them. I assume you both have some knowledge on how to train them?" Christine asks with her arms crossed and Finley nods, Cailin taking a breath.

"We took a whole class on it, we'll be fine."

"Don't get side tracked with other things either, cut your time in half. Train the dragons, then train yourselves."

Finley looks up at Penelope when she says this, confused. "Wait, training for us?"

"King said something about hurrying things up? He wants to begin training with you guys himself."

Finley hesitates at this, feeling like things are going a little too fast but nodding his head.

Penelope looks at him at little hesitantly. "Are you sure you're alright? You're looking a little pale..."

Finley doesn't say anything for a moment, staring down at his breakfast. "I don't know. Something is going to go wrong again... But I don't know how wrong."

The mothers glance at each other for a second time, Cailin timidly and finally giving Finley his attention. "Does it have to do with someone?"

Finley frowns, nodding. "Yes. But I don't want to worry about it right now. I can protect myself."

Christine even notices the change in Finley at that statement. A couple of years ago, Finley never would have said that. But she guesses learning that you have an evil side to yourself can do that to a person.

"Well... If everything is alright, then... Get dressed and meet us in the living area," Christine demands as Cailin nods, still exhausted.

"Yes ma'am..."

The mothers take this, turning and heading back to the door, Christine bringing Sarah along who takes a final look to the younger boy before following the adults out.

Cailin and Finley sit in silence, the only sound being their forks hitting the plates, Cailin taking many glances at his best friend.

They both don't want to be the first to say something, but Cailin sighs and sets his fork down. "Are you okay?" He asks quietly, earning a small glance from the other boy.

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