The Vulture and his Raven Pt. 4

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Cailin enters Finley's dorm when Penelope opens the door, eyes wide.

"What happened?" Penelope asks, brushing the unconscious boy's hair back and Cailin thinks hard for a lie.

"He fell asleep in the library," he says with a light smile, making Penelope relax with one of her own smiles and nods her head.

"Alright, go and put him down then, wake him up when i'm finished with dinner."

"Yes ma'am."

Cailin walks into Finley's room, the cool facade dropping as he sets his friend down on the bed, palms sweating as he makes the book float out from under his cloak, setting it down by Finley's dragon egg, still too afraid to touch it.

"Come on, Fin, wake up..." Cailin whispers, setting a hand on his friend's cheek, tapping it lightly but Finley doesn't move.

Cailin wonders what on Earth Finley heard when he touched the book. Whatever it was, Cailin couldn't hear a thing, but it was so loud to the blonde that it made his ears bleed.

Cailin swallows nervously, getting up and sneaking out of the room to the bathroom, filling a cup with water before sneaking back into his friend's room, shutting the door silently.

He helps Finley sit up, noticing how pale he's gotten and tries to force water down his throat, which in turn, for some reason, makes Finley wake up.

He groans, choking and taking the cup from Cailin who lets go quickly.

Finley drinks all of the water, taking a large breath when he's done and the brunette helps him lay back down.

"Are you okay? Do you feel sick?"

Finley shakes his head, turning onto his side and setting his forehead on Cailin's hip, sighing. "My head hurts..." He mumbles, voice scratchy and Cailin runs his fingers through Finley's long hair, frowning.

"You scared me. What happened?"

Finley hesitates, eyes opening before he groans again, pulling Cailin down onto the bed and happily snuggling into his chest, Cailin hesitantly wrapping his arms around him.

"I heard a prophecy... You're really warm..." Finley mumbles, still half asleep and Cailin's frown deepens.

"A prophecy?"

"Mmhmm... There were other people there too. They were talking to me, pleading for me to save them..." Finley's eyes shut and his eyebrows furrow to show he's uncomfortable. "They were so loud... like a bunch of banshee's..."

Cailin can tell Finley's nodding off again and quickly tries to keep him awake. "What's the prophecy? Do you remember it?"

"Mmhmm... Something about how evil and good may come together on a red moon... And how it may be the saving grace or hell on earth... I think."

Cailin's eyebrows furrow in confusion, not understanding what's coming out of Finley's mouth.

"Okay... Anything else?"

"There's a voice in my head."

Cailin pales, freezing but Finley keeps talking as if he didn't notice. "It's been there for a while... It helped us find that book, and it's been talking to me like an old friend."

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