The Phoenix vs. the Thunderbird Pt. 2

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Sarah and King together begin to rapidly make large symbols in the air, the color turning from pink to light green, sparkling and the air begins to hum and shift. The wind rips past everyone on the field, sucking itself straight towards the two flying people as it begins to spin, a singular rip slashing itself in mid air, like oxygen itself decided to pull itself a part in a large circle.

On the other side, the females stand there, large and scowling. They seem to have already known this was going to happen, for when the opening gets big enough, their wings stretch to full capacity, two times larger than the males wingspan, and they fly through.

One by one in a line, they begin to fly through the air and the people down below, especially those from the KSDL, already know what's about to happen. They run for their lives.

Thinking they've retreated, the two kingdoms begin to cheer, watching as the KSDL begins to split up, scholars and citizens running every which way to spread themselves accordingly, acting skillfully, and the other kingdoms begin to notice that they're not retreating, but moving outwards.

And Finley watches as a female looks down from the skies, just when a stupid soldier from Black Ridge gets the moment to stab a dragon right in its side.

The fire dragon yelps, blood splattering all over the soldier and he takes a step back, shaking his head and bumping into a hard body.

The soldier jumps, turning around and looking up into the eyes of a female Universe Dragon, towering over her own kids and everyone else around them.

She stares.

The soldier is frozen in fright, covered in blood which the female takes notice of when she sniffs.

The other females begin to descend right behind the first, eyes twitching this way and that as they see what's happened.

Some dragons are slashed, some are forced to the ground by ropes and tied there, choking on air as their windpipes are cut off.

And some of them lay dead.

One female waddled over to a dead ice dragon that lays on her side, eyes still open with spears running through her chest and temples.

The female whines, tilting her head as if she doesn't know what's wrong, moving her leg to nudge her child, only for the young dragon not to respond.

Tears fill Finley's eyes as he looks away, Cailin taking his hand as Wendy and Yohan back up, spreading their wings to cover the five as Trixie follows.

Even the dragons know this is not good.

A mother dragon stares at her dead child as it finally gets through to her.

Something flickers in her eyes, and she turns to look at the other females that wait for confirmation. When the first female chuffs, one by one, the spines on the females' backs begin to raise.

The five of them each turn their heads to a different direction, their eyes turning bright red as their teeth begin to elongate, scales turning black as their talons extend and they get low into a defensive and angry stance.

They make eye contact with each group of people that stand on the four corners north, south, east and west. A good chunk of Golden, KSDL, and Black Ridge are on all sides. But the females don't care about the KSDL. In their eyes, the scholars let them down.

All is Fair in War and Dragon Scales (UNREVISED)Where stories live. Discover now