Small Sneak Peek 2

55 3 4

Trigger Warning

Mentions of Child SA

Outside, Steve slowly walks down the front porch stairs with the briefcase in his hands. He looks back at his old decrepit house, before starting his walk down the gravel path.

The wind is icy even though it's the start of summer. Steve wraps his arms around himself, shivering slightly as he looks around. The hairs on his body raise, and even though he was just given freedom, he doesn't feel free at all.

He manages to get a few yards away from the house when he hears the screen door of his home open behind him.

Steve stops. He slowly turns back around to see Finley in his large raven mask stepping out onto the front porch. The mask is huge and dark, covering every bit of his features except his lips. The black sleek and shiny feathers rest along his shoulders, rolling down his back. He exudes death and insanity as he stands on that porch. He lets the screen door close behind him, just standing there. Frozen. Staring. The wind even stops, too afraid to touch.

Three ravens land on the house's roof, cackling as they hop and dance with each other, their beaks picking and stabbing at one another.

"Better run!" One suddenly shrieks, its voice dead and sounding as though it's talking through a broken recorder. "Better run! Better run! Better run!"

Steve's eyes widen, his heart skipping a beat as he takes a couple of steps back. His hands tighten on the briefcase. He wants to do just that, run. But his feet won't move. He suddenly feels as though the icy temperature got him tightly within its grasp, forcing him to remain still.

So, he can only watch as Finley slowly walks down the front steps.

The King of Black Ridge smiles at him as he reaches over and yanks an axe out of the nearest tree that Steve left all those months ago to chop firewood. Suddenly, Steve believes in faith. He shouldn't have left that there.

"Are you just going to stand there, Steve?" Finley asks, keeping himself by that tree, the axe swinging at his side. "You're free to go. I told you so."

Three more ravens land on the house across the street, joining in with the screeching of the other birds. "Better run! Better run! Better run!"

Steve's fight or flight kicks in, and he decides on flight. He turns and starts walking a bit faster down the path.

Finley slowly follows him, not needing to match his fast strides with magic.

Feeling the ominous shadow of death hanging over him, Steve's eyes fill with tears as he randomly starts to scream. "Somebody! Anybody, help me!" He starts to run, the sound of Finley's soft laughter peeling through the air as though it's all around him.

Some other residents of the neighborhood peek out from their homes to watch, their eyes widening at the sight of their king brandishing a axe as he plays with his food.

"Your highness, please! Please!" Steve trips over a rock, the briefcase flying through the air. It hits the gravel, the broken clasp falling open. All the money within catches the wind and takes to the skies.

The residents of this very poor neighborhood scramble out of their houses to catch it. They're not in trouble, so their king won't touch them.

Steve turns to lay on his back as Finley steps over him, one foot on each side of his waist. "Your highness, you don't understand. These urges, I have no control over them—"

"What bullshit," Finley says softly, grinning. "I'm filled with more dark energy than your sorry ass can handle. And yet? I don't touch kids. Isn't that weird? How does that work?"

"I.... I...."

"You know..." Finley sighs, letting the axe rest on his shoulder as he stares up into the sky. "I was touched as a kid."

Steve grows paler and paler.

"It screwed me up for so long. I was never the same." He looks back down at Steve. "But it was by someone my age. I can't imagine what it feels like to be touched by your own father." Suddenly giddy, Finley cuddles the axe to his cheek. "But that's where I come in! I can't have you demons walking around my kingdom!"

With a speed that's unnatural, Finley leans down close to Steve's face, the nose of his raven mask poking the man's mouth. "Because you know how territorial we are, don't you Steve?"

Finley straightens, turning to the residents that watch with bug eyes and tentacle faces. "Everybody listen closely! If I find out any of you are touching kids under my kingdom's name. You'll end up like your ol' pal Steve here!"

Finley raises the axe.

"Your highness, please—!"


He chops Steve's head off.

His head rolls along the gravel path, stopping in front of another resident. This man swallows as he stares down at Steve's face, now permanently stuck in a horrified scream.

Finley drops the axe, turning and marching back the house.

Then, he hears a familiar voice in his ear. "That's my boy."

Finley stops, his eyes widening with rage as he looks around the area. But, only residents watch him with their bulging eyes.

Quit it. He's dead.

Finley shakes his head and keeps moving. Once he's gone inside the house, the ravens cackle as they swarm the detached head and body, picking at it for lunch.


Hello hello.

It's been a while, but since I'm getting closer to uploading the second book, I thought it would be a good time to mention how dark it will be. This scene has been cut significantly for this sneak peek.

The entirety of book two will be difficult and or very uncomfortable to read. Please make sure to read with caution when the time comes.

That sounded really dramatic. Welp. It's needed. Anyways, see yah.

~ Edan

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