The Eagle and the Falcon Pt. 4

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"Now class, I expect you to choose your wands wisely. You all have showed exponential growth, and the KSDL feels as though it's time to take the next step. With our dragons on the way next year, you will need guidance. Magic is the only guidance you will have."

Finley, Cailin, Julian and Ella stand in a line with the rest of their classmates. Finley has been waiting for this day ever since Penelope had explained what exactly a wand and magic was. All the counsel members have their own wands and hand magic, their own dragons, and Finley can't wait to be similar to them. He may not like them very much, but it's in the norm to aspire to be like them. Being as powerful and wise as the ten counsel members or King himself is a big accomplishment, that nobody has yet reached, and Finley seems to think it's the perfect goal.

Cailin on the other hand, just wants this class to be over. He wants to get his wand, and zip out of there. He wants to learn all the spells he can by himself to impress his teachers.

Eighth grade is coming to a close. Second semester had started only a week ago, and the school traded out the dragon class, for the magic class. Of course, this is only temporary, and when ninth grade begins and everybody waits for their dragons to hatch, magic and dragon training classes will be held on the weekends, core classes during the five day week.

But for now, middle school has the addition of the dragon classes, which is an eighth period so sixth through seventh graders don't get out of school until five in the afternoon.

It's still the same way in eighth grade, just now instead of dragon classes, it's magic training.

The class is held in a large room which is attached to the wand holding room. Thousands upon thousands of intricately made wands just waiting to have someone to wield them, and that's the room the 28 scholars are standing in right now.

It's so surreal to Finley. He's always been awed by the older kids who were already graced with their own wands and used the magic at parties and galas. It was always magical.

Finley loves his two magic teachers, and they both love and acknowledge him as well. School at the KSDL as been better than it ever has been for Finley, teacher and class wise. The students are still a small problem, but it's nothing that Finley can't handle.

"I trust each and every one of you choose only one wand. Not six, not two, not three for your nannies."

Giggles and chuckles go around the space but Finley is too cooped up in taking the room in.

"The wand holding room," as Finley likes to call it, is pristine and new looking. The walls are golden, the crowning black and filled from head to toe with wands in their small cases. Finley wants to take a look at each and every one of them.

"Once you get your wand, under no circumstances are you allowed to use them."

The scholars all groan and Mr. Len rolls his eyes. "Yes, yes, it's so tragic. You will be able to use them tomorrow, don't worry your tiny little bratty heads. Now if you have any trouble finding the wand that you think suits you the best, just come over to Ms. Green and she will help you."

Mr. Len points to the second teacher in the room, and she waves.

"Now, go crazy."

All the students race down the halls, scattering around the room as well as Cailin, Ella and Julian.

Finley takes his time though, going to the first shelf on his right and looking at the pictures that are stamped on the covers of what the wand inside looks like.

Some are pain and brown with different markings embroidered into them, some are more skinny, some are longer, and some are much more pretty with jewels and sparkling rhinestones. 

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