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Someone has stolen my fanfiction and posting it on YouTube named Beezlia without taking any permission from me. People are thinking that she is the owner of it and she continuously replying to others that she has written this and many things like that.

How can she do like this? It's my fanfiction....I have worked hard for it..... written it till late night.... managing it with my studies and many more personal issues. But she had just taken screen shot and posted it and for this gaining 1k or more views and love and support from others. But for what?

My brain is not working now. What should I do now?
My exams are going to start from this Monday. But still I am updating my wattpad and also insta so that you people don't have to wait. If people do like this with me...will I have enough courage to continue it.

I am not such kind of person who don't effected by the things happening with her and around her. This is not only my first fanfiction but something which I have written 1st time in my life. Only I know how much courage I have to gather to write it knowing that I am not so good in English and literature also. I think you can understand how much it is special for me.

But if this kind of things happen how can I be able to write it more.

I am telling you guys if anyone do this again with me I will stop writing.

I don't have any YouTube channel and I don't post or have given permission to anyone to post it. And I will never give permission for that.

I just only have this wattpad account, a fanpage in insta named: pravishtanks03, and my personal insta account: iam_ anks03 and nothing else.

Please report those guys who are doing such shameless things. Please please please. It's my humble request.

I have not reported her till now... just given a warning to take down those videos as soon as possible. BUT IF SHE DOESN'T DO THIS I WILL NOT HESITATE TO TAKE ACTION AGAINST HER.....

And many more she is doing like this.

Please guys please don't believe in her and report.

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