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I just want to update about this book since I haven't updated it since September so it's been like six months, probably more. I lost the password to this account and I also inevitably get writers block about how I wanted to end this book and the development of the characters within it. I believe it's going to be five chapters left of this book it depends on what I do and on the length of each of these chapters that will be releasing don't quote me on five chapters left. I will be working on them all weekend and I expect to have all of the remaining chapters finished by next week. Regarding their release depending on the amount of chapters I have, I will release one a day after I finish writing the remaining ones. If it's more than 5, I may opt for two a day. I want to thank you for your patience with this book and with me I hope I didn't squander the writing with my impatience so thank you for sticking around and for all the work on this book. I hope to see y'all soon.

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