How Did This Happen

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You were a liar. A good one, but not one good enough to fool yourself. Because even God knew you were shitting yourself. You repressed the fear that was starting to consume every part of you and ignored all the warnings, screaming for you to run. With the cigarette tangled in your fingers, you brought down your hand and turned to face him. He towered over you, not only in height but in confidence. But you were a liar, and one good enough to even trick the Kujo boy. Hopefully.

  "What was what?" You asked as you innocently tilted your head. He looked at you up and down briefly. No, it wasn't a simple glance, it was an examination. He was examining you as if you were hiding something. Looking for any sign to indicate you as a liar. But you were too good. You didn't break in a cold sweat and didn't deny anything too obvious. Other than the fact you said something that included him. Maybe that was why he was here. He was going to beat you up, maybe yell at you, or worse, make teachers flock over and see you ditching, no less with a cigarette in hand. As your wild and apprehensive thoughts ran rampant across your mind, he finally spoke.

"I didn't know you smoked." He added gruffly. He sounded a lot more intrusive than usual. Maybe you noticed because you grew up around him. Or perhaps you were just observant. It didn't matter. It was best to answer sooner than later so you could keep up your facade.

  "Oh, I do. Not a lot, only when I'm stressed." You answered politely but made sure not to sound too piqued. Thankfully your statement only held half of a lie. You did only smoke when you were stressed, but you were always stressed. He responded with a small grunt and walked beside you. His clothes were so loud, you could hear the ruffle of his coat and the metal chime of his chain. He leaned against the railing you once were facing and turned to you again. Now that he leaned against the rail, he wasn't as tall as before, but he still loomed over you.

"Could I have one?" He asked somberly. It was your turn to examine him. Jotaro was known to always have a pack of smokes, it was odd of him to not have one. You kept your examination quick, and only allowed the quick flick of your (e/c) eyes. With a polite nod, you held out your pack of cigarettes and held the one you lit only a minute ago to your lips.

In between the puff of smoke you blew, you answered verbally, "Sure." Jotaro took one of the cigarettes, and you couldn't help but look. The thin cigarette seemed so small compared to his large fingers. You stifled a quiet chuckle at the sight of the juxtaposition and took out your lighter. This time you didn't ask him verbally and held it out to him, asking if he needed it. You were careful to put your cigarette to your lips. You were stressed, but if you overdid it, he might have realized you were stressed because of him. If he realized that crucial detail, he could exploit that weakness.

  As he held the small cigarette, he studied the lighter. It was as if he was trying to make a choice. But why would he need to make a decision? Did he need it or not? Eventually, he shook his head and submerged his hand into his pocket to retrieve a small grey lighter. Both of you stood there quietly smoking. You watched as the smoke from both of you would float away in the cold and dreary morning as it loomed. As you watched the smoke waft away, your thoughts started to race again.

  'If I told my self that I'd be here taking a smoke with Jotaro Kujo, I wouldn't believe it.' It wasn't that he was untouchable, he was just reserved and private. Not to mention the intimidating aura that would surround him. Simple tasks like asking for a pencil from him seemed intrusive. As your thoughts hurdled through your mind, he spoke again. It was a recurring cycle it appeared, you would overthink and, he'd interrupt, making you even more paranoid.

"So..," He slurred in between puffs, "Why're you stressed?" He asked, turning his head to the far right as if he was trying to avoid eye contact. Usually, he would pull down his hat, not look away. But as much as you were observant and attentive, he was the same. He remembered the comment about being stressed. You steadied yourself. Clutching onto the rail would be a dead give away, you had to stay calm. Keep it short and concise. Don't let any loose ends in your sentence.

"Formulas aren't exactly my forte." You responded. By responding that way, you were making both you and him comfortable. Anyone who grew around him would know to not be overbearing. You were doing both of yourselves a favor, it seemed. However, his simple answer of "Oh." sounded dejected. You felt a pit in your stomach. You shouldn't have shot him down so smoothly, it was the first time he ever tried to open up to you. With one last puff, you turned to face him.

  "So, why are you ditching class then?" You asked. It was a simple question, and it related to the topic. Not to mention it didn't sound like you were pitying him. It was smooth sailing, even if it meant you were doing a copious amount of leg work. As soon as he was about to answer, you heard loud footsteps crash against the damp grass.

Quickly, as if on instinct, you slid under the railing, then you hid under the small dirt cliff that hung over the second layer of terrain for the second courtyard. You turned to Jotaro and indicated for him to do the same. With a swift motion, he was able to land on the second layer. You heard as his heavy and loud coat ruffled and the light clank of his chain. However, with his considerable height, he was forced to form into a construed ball and squeeze next to you. As you held your knees to your chest and pressed yourself against the wall of the small cliff, Jotaro pressed against you. You felt his face lightly graze yours. With the close proximity between you two, you could smell his cologne, and how it mixed with his cigarette. The light warm breathing against you sent chills.

  Soon the footsteps that terrorized you came close, the teacher leaned on the railing, looking for any truancy. Jotaro must have noticed as well, you could feel his breathing get more abundant.  You stayed still and breathed lightly.

'I smoke with Jotaro Kujo once, and this happens.' As if leaving your body, you looked at the scene in hand by the third person. Here you were, squeezed against the unit that is Jotaro Kujo under a cliff. Suddenly, you could smell the strawberry conditioner you used last night from your (h/c) hair. If you could detect it, so could he. You cringed. 'Maybe I should have gone to class. Getting caught against Jotaro Kujo with cigarettes is worse than formulas.' If you got caught, you knew you couldn't lie out of this.

A/N: I hope the second chapter was enjoyable. Hopefully, I'll have the next chapter updated tomorrow as well :)

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