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  As the hours passed, so did your patience for lunch. Your cigarettes had been pulverized, and presumably not in the condition to smoke. Your head still had that insufferable ache, Jotaro was technically a mutual, friend even, but he was so irritating. Irritating or not, the possibility of him joining you and bf/n for lunch had just sky-rocketed. The obstacles that may have loomed against his immeasurable size and power had just been knocked down. Making his presence and authority only more potent. The concern of the girls pestering and your uncomfortable demeanor around him had been conquered, according to him. The anxiety referring to his psychotic and provoking fangirls still wavered in your mind. Although you weren't as uncomfortable as before, his kind remark didn't clean it away. Thinking about him only made the overwhelming pulsation in your head stronger.

Yet again, the bell siphoned you from your thoughts and irritated the ache. You could feel your legs as much as you could feel the sun's surface. Sluggish, you gathered your sprawled and disarrayed materials and dumped them inattentively into your bag. As you fussed, you placed your hand in your pockets, fiddling with what was left of the cigarettes and their mutilated bodies. You groaned audibly and slumped out of your seat, slinging your bag around your body. Your headaches were never this out of hand, and only thinking about how overwhelming and painful it was made it worse.

Was it getting hotter? It felt so feverish and confined in the hallways. Everyone was either loitering outside of their designated classes or cruising through the halls, unbeknownst to the people around them. With a hushed grunt, you loosened your tie, making the once constrained collar of your button-up relax, allowing the ends to flutter in the wind entering through the windows. Now that you thought about it, it was quite chilly. The regret of loosening up your tie made itself present, only making you more irritable. Who was at fault again? Right, Jotaro. Even his name made your face hot with rage. But the heat from your face failed to warm you up.

Irritated and sluggishly, you looked up to see bf/n. Unexpectedly, your headache started to slink away back into the depths of your head. Hurriedly, you walked up to him, a warm smile replacing the grimace on your lips. Your legs suddenly felt less like the jello your mom would make, and more like the statues in the parks of memorable personages. What happened this morning, Jotaro even didn't matter in this precise instant. Consciously or not, your arms opened instinctively to bring him in for a hug. As soon as you could feel the warmth from his sweater, and the smell of his cheap cologne, you embraced him. You engulfed your head into his navy blue sweater, allowing your hair to sprawl against his chest. At first, there was nothing.

He was caught off guard. You were never this affectionate, he hesitated at first. Would his head be on a stake if he were to reciprocate? But even so, he took the chance to hold you in his arms.

As your thoughts began to run rampant, you felt his arms clasp you. The chill on your back had been ceased. It felt as if you were on cloud nine, both physically and emotionally. Unexpectedly, you felt a warm breath caress your neck with a smooth and soothing voice accompanying it. It was his voice, his calming and comforting voice.

"Hard day?" He spoke, almost as if he were inquiring but subtle enough for it to pass as a statement. You nodded your head, nudging his chest softly. It wasn't your intention, but it couldn't be helped with the position you were in and your movements.

Oh right, you were hugging him, and he was hugging you. His arms were around you and yours around him. As you began to process your situation, your cheeks flushed from embarrassment. As kindly as you could, you pushed him away. You were the one who initiated the hug anyway. It would be unwise of you to not take accountability for it.

You looked behind yourself, seeking to avoid eye contact. With an aggressive nod and hum, you thanked him. Now that you thought about it, you were acting accurately like Jotaro if he was ever to be in your position. 'Peas in a pod' You sarcastically jested. But it was all better now, you were with bf/n, and you would have lunch together. Like you regularly do. But instead, you were delivered a scalding hot slap to the face.

"I'd eat lunch with you, but I have to work on a project with Yuko." He revealed. You felt your breath hitch and your fists clasp. Of course, how could you forget, Yuko? There was a good reason for giving up on the feelings that had materialized, and this was precisely why. No, they weren't together, not yet, of course. Soon, you just knew it, you could feel it. Releasing the tension in your body, you turned to face him. And you lied, why were you an excellent liar if you didn't use this skill?

"Ah, ok, good luck, eh lover boy." You teased faithlessly, nudging him gently. He chuckled in response as if he weren't feeling it. As if he wasn't in the present to appreciate the banter. You knew what he was going to say, you knew he'd pity you. But it was for the best to shut him down, just like your compassion for him. The headache that had momentarily ceased came crawling back. Attacking your body and mind. Just as he was about to address, you answered.

"I'm ok, just tired. I'll see you after school, yeah?" His amber eyes shined, like a puppy receiving a toy, or a boy madly in love. If that's what you called it. But that wasn't the only thing there, and you couldn't correctly understand what it was, it was just there. He nodded eagerly, a cheeky grin on his lips. He strutted away, newfound confidence in his step. Where his legs prospered, yours weakened, and so did your ability to tolerate this painful headache. Weakly, you wandered to a part of the school you didn't quite remember, not at the time, at least.

Your mind had gone static, and nothing made sense except for the throbbing pain in your head that would pulsate. Meekly, your legs clambered down, causing you to sit on what felt like grass. As the heat became unbearable, and your eyes started to squint, you reached for the comfort of the mutilated cigarettes. They didn't bring comfort anymore. Instead, they only produced the blurry emotion that was anger and annoyance. Before your consciousness could close its ruby red curtains, the shadow of a looming figure embraced your body. Somberly, you craned your neck as natural when looking up at him.

"Jotaro?" You uttered softly. You let go of the cigarettes in your pocket, allowing your hand to slink from the cavern in your sweater. As your senses started to perk up once again, you could make out a peeved yare yare. Soon the shadow no longer loomed on your figure, and just like those two times in the morning, your e/c eyes locked with his brilliant blues. He had squatted down to get on your level, didn't he?

'Bastard' You scoffed in your head, making you chuckle lightly. Here you were, mad at him, the world, your cigarettes, and his beautiful eyes. How complicated these two days had been. 'Yare yare.' Your mind noted, and you couldn't help but agree, good grief for sure.

A/N I hope this chapter was good~! I've gotten so many nice comments about my writing and I always feel so happy reading and recieving them! Y'all spoil me too much, I really appreciate all the love. And can you believe it, 300+ reads??? AHHH thank you all, and I hope to keep you guys until the end huhu. I'll see you all on Sunday (If I'm not dead by then lol, schools killing me.) 

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