Copy Paste Circa This Morning

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Soon your second lesson passed, and so did the others. It was as if the day was going by in a flash. Maybe it was because of the slow encounter with Jotaro. Either way, it didn't matter. It was more convenient for you this way. You could tell (bf/n) what happened besides, he would stop nagging you. Even if it was cute, and the attention was well-liked.

As the fourth bell rang, you dashed to the door, ignoring the scowls of your math professor. Soon enough, your legs had successfully carried you to the cafeteria. There, (bf/n) was waiting for you near the door that leads to the second courtyard you could eat in. As you looked at him, your eyes shifted to the cliff you hid in with Jotaro. A small chuckle escaped your lips. Your attempts to purse them so nothing would escape were met with failure. You walked over to (bf/n), where he held a puzzled face.

"What's got you all giddy eh (y/n)?" he asked smugly. You shook your head cheekily, eyeing him with a hint of mischief.

"I'll tell you when we sit down." A smug grin fell on your face as you lead him to the second courtyard. From the corner of your (e/c) eyes, you saw him roll his own pair. Eventually, you both found the perfect spot to sit. As you sat down, he started to bombard you with questions.

"You have to tell me what happened! You haven't stopped chuckling and grinning like a devil all day. What happened?" He asked curiously, his eyes sparkled with intensity. Your face felt hot. You must have been blushing. Was he always this alluring? Or was it just even the thought of that whole situation embarrassing?

"Well, I was taking a smoke as usual, but suddenly Kujo Jotaro-" You were interrupted by (bf/n) choking on their own air. You turned to him, concerned, but even then, you couldn't contain your laughter.

"Kujo Jotaro? Y/n, you've got to be kidding. What happened? Did he beat you up for almost disrupting him?" He asked intrusively. But even if he did seem a wee concerned for your wellbeing, you could tell he was invested in your little story. Jotaro, being involved with anyone, especially a girl, was something worth noting. You laughed, it must have been loud, and it must have echoed through the courtyard, for you were met with many confused faces.

"Quiet, now are you going to let me continue or not?" You asked with the sass of a tired grandmother. He nodded quickly, a small grin cemented on his face. It was as if he received Christmas gifts early.

"Anyways, as I was saying, he's suddenly behind me. I'm totally freaking out, and we end up having a smoke together, but he had to ask for a cigarette." Suddenly, right on time, (bf/n) attacked you with more questions.

"You, Kujo Jotaro, had a smoke with you. An annoying ass girl?" He jested. You scowled and smacked him on the back of his head. His response was a small snicker that sounded like honey. The sound of his snicker immediately soothed your irritation. "And he didn't have a pack of smokes? You're making this shit up."

You shook your head with pride. You must have had the stupidest face because you could hear him stifle a light titter. "I can't make this up dweeb, anyways I'm not done." You added. "Then, we had to hide from a teacher under the small cliff squished together." You added squeamishly.

(Bf/n)'s jaw dropped. He was askance. He looked at the small cliff across from your bench and then turned to face you, multiple times. You nodded with pride, even if that wasn't one of your proudest moments. "He was even friendly to me." You continued.

He shook his head in disbelief. "You liar. There is no way, Kujo Jotaro-" It was almost a copy-paste situation because suddenly a large shadow loomed over him. You must've paid no attention to it, seeing as you were invested in (bf/n). A loud voice boomed from the skies, causing you to lookup.

"There is no way I didn't do what?" Jotaro thundered. You craned your neck to look up, in the awkward and uncomfortable position, you saw him. There was that same terrifying glare. You could feel your pulse rapidly increase. But you were a liar, so you'd be able to deceive him, and hopefully yourself, from your fear. But when you looked to (bf/n), it wasn't the same situation. He had tensed up, he was like a deer in headlights.

'This is the second time today. God's really pushing my buttons today.' You thought to yourself. This conversation was nevertheless salvageable, you could still save (bf/n). But before you could say anything, Jotaro sat down on the grass and spoke.

"Yare yare daze. Every time you're involved, I always hear my name." He stated. You let out a weak chuckle, you looked to (bf/n), so he could do the same, but he was still tensed up. Discreetly, you kicked him, making him come back to life and do the same.

'This is one of the most stressful days in the world.' You couldn't help but mutter to yourself inside. If Jotaro heard you, all hell would break loose. Hell wouldn't be the only thing broken, your face would be as well. Most likely (bf/n)'s too. With a deep breath, you turned to Jotaro with a small smile.

"We were just talking about this morning." You answered confidently. 'God, if you're real, strike me down right here right now.' You prayed internally.

A/N This one was a long one huhuh. Good, I need to make up for almost being late for this update. If motivation allows, I'll upload the next part tomorrow, seeing as I'll be starting school on monday. Which means a delay in uploads. Stay safe, and thank you for almost 60 reads! Your support means the world to me <3 If you'd like, I'm open to making a book with oneshots.  

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