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Three Mondays ago you had walked out of a building that held your crumbling friendship. Three Mondays ago you quit smoking. Three Mondays ago you didn't understand why Jotaro Kujo gazed at you in a certain way while you ate Hollys bento.

  Three Mondays ago you wouldn't have expected to be standing in front of a store display on the sidewalk being confessed to by Jotaro Kujo.

"Will you take a chance on me?" That is what he had asked in his gruff voice.

  You stood there in awe, unable to process the monumental event that occurred. You felt your heart thump against your chest, threatening to leap out and cause a scene. You could feel your cheeks heating up, they were most likely a dark crimson by now.

  Carefully, you reached a hand towards his and held it gently.   "Okay," you replied softly, "I'll take a chance." You'll take a risk.

A/N: Yeah I totally did just update four chapters lmfao. I have like zero idea as to why anything happened,, I think I got possessed while writing this. Why was bf/n so damn pressed lmfao,, WHY DID YALL STICK AROUND TO READ THISS 😭😭😂 i feel like this book took a huge ass turn but uhhh okay then lmao. honestly,, the last couple chapters i updated this past week were long as hell,, they were all over 1,000+, the last one being 2,000+ words. crazy bruh, I'm not sure if I'll work on a new book. we'll see, might do some one shots or smth lol. anyways hoped you enjoyed this whirlwind and sorry for the whiplash oh my god this ending is probably so BAD. When I pressed the publish button for the last chapter I made a huge ass guttural sound lmfao. Thank you for sticking around and reading "I Just Don't Feel the Same," a Jotarox Reader fanfic. Enjoy your lives lol~

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