Rainy Row

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It was raining since when you woke up. The sun hadn't threatened a single ray and you stayed in bed. Avoiding the cold outside of your covers. You looked out your window that sat beside your bed and peered at the droplets that raced down the glass. Deterred from your thoughts, you heard a loud knock from below. Confused, you reluctantly got out of bed and walked down your cold stairs to answer the door.

"Coming!" You called as you rushed barefoot to the door. As lethargic as the day was, the urge to put on socks was everything but a priority. You opened the door and flinched as you felt the cold wind enter from the outside. You cursed yourself, wishing you had brought some socks or your blanket. You look up only to see Bf/n at your door.

"What are you doing here? In the cold especially." You scolded, albeit confused. You stepped aside and gestured for him to come inside. The rain was no longer as light as before, and the wind started to only get rougher. You gritted your teeth, trying to keep warm.

"I thought you were staying home yesterday," Bf/n said with underlying hostility.

"What?" You inquired, a lot more confused than before. It didn't matter that he was here this early in the morning, in the rain without a rain jacket or umbrella. You just wanted to close the door and get a blanket.

"Look, it doesn't matter, just please come in. You're going to get the both of us sick, and I'm starting to get cold." You hissed as the rain only poured with more weight.

"Why was Jotaro at your house yesterday? I thought you didn't have any plans to do anything." Bf/n demanded with anger. You furrowed your brows in irritation. How did he know this? Who was he to ask at any point? You gripped your wooden door and slinked behind it, hoping it would block most of the wind entering your home.

"It's none of your business. It's even less of your business when it's freezing cold and raining. Can you please just come inside so I can shut the door?" You demanded with irritation. You weren't curious anymore, and your confusion was obsolete. You just wanted him to leave so you could go back to the warmth of your bed.

"Answer me Y/n!" He demanded, smacking the rim of your door with all his strength. You flinched. He had never done something like that before. This was terrifying. You didn't like this. It was cold and raining, you hadn't eaten, and Bf/n was provoking you with fear. You could feel your breath hitched and hung your head low in fear.

"I don't have to deal with this right now. I'm closing the door, it's cold and raining, and you're scaring me. We'll talk later." You demanded with no hesitation. You wouldn't let him push you around. You started to slam the door. Hopefully, he would hurt a couple fingers and slink away. But instead, he invited himself in, taking up the offer you resigned.

"I saw you saying goodbye to him last night! What were you doing?" He yelled. Your eyes widened with terror. He was only a couple meters away. But he was inside your home dripping wet. If he slammed the rim of the door what would he slam next? You? Your head into the wall? You backed away from him and held onto the chair next to your dining table. You wanted to throw up.

"We were watching old sumo tapes! Is that what you wanted to hear? Now get out! I didn't say you could come in anymore! You're soaking the floorboards, and you're scaring me!" You shrieked in anger and despair. You weren't going to lie about being brave or unfearful. You were scared as hell.  Tears threatened to escape your eyes. But you already admitted your fear. Crying would only hurt your pride. Your heart ran rampant. You were going to have a heart attack and die, weren't you? Worse, he would punch you to a pulp. Scenarios ran through your mind like a cheetah chasing its prey. Your paranoia and dread, taking hold of your body and mind.

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