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HI.. Before anything:

thank you sososososooooo much for all the recognition and love for this book! some of my BEST use of language and writing is shown in this book, and i hope i have improved since then haha...either ways: i can't believe we reached over 1k reads. over 10k reads. and now: over 20k reads. i remember when we hit 500, and i even have the message on my conversations board commemorating that event. I am so grateful you enjoyed my writing, as much as I (although i suffered) enjoyed writing it. But, now it is time to debut my oneshots book.

Nothing is posted yet, I am awaiting your requests via the A\N on it. I have some ideas that will hopefully be posted.

Again: Thank you, so much for enjoying this book. I started writing this book back in Freshman year, and now I am a junior. Thank you for getting us to the #2 ranking on the jojo tag. I don't know if those mean much, but it sounds good and I couldn't have done it without your support. I love reading the comments you leave behind, your input and reactions. It brings me a lot of joy.

I hope I haven't stagnated in my writing skills and you enjoy the new oneshots book.

You may find it on my profile.

I hope you are all in good health, and thank you, again. Forever, thank you.

JotaroxReader: I Just Don't Feel The SameWhere stories live. Discover now