Jotaros Koi Pond and Cigarettes

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 The fog from the early morning and its cold wind hugged your body as you crouched down beside Jotaro, gazing at the elegant koi fish as they swam in their pond. Instead of being in school, Jotaro had woken you up for an excursion.

You were in bed when you heard the obnoxious thumping at your door. Hastily, you tiptoed down your stairs and answered the door to Jotaro, who greeted you simply with an offer, although the offer was more of a demand than a proposal.

"Let's go to the park." That is what Jotaro had huffed, the morning's chill allowed you to see his breath. You inquired about school and whether or not he recalled it was a Monday. Jotaro was in fact informed, he just didn't care. You called in sick and got dressed, following Jotaro to the park. You were anxious for school, skipping it wasn't an idea you resented at the moment.

"Joestar koi pond.." you recokened as you turned to Jotaro who wore a thick purple scarf, it was most likely from Holly. You imagined Jotaro protested against the scarf, but Jotaro was a mama's boy regardless of the farce he held, "Aren't you a Joestar, Jotaro?"

Jotaro nodded in response as his brilliant turquoise eyes followed the fish that swam elegantly in their crystalline water. "Yeah, Kujo is my dad's name. I had Jiji fund this pond years ago in the Joestar estate name," He murmured as he watched the koi fish.

You already held a hunch it came from Holly, she wasn't Japanese and it was common for women to take on the name of their husbands. Your gaze returned to the brilliant koi fish and their shimmering scales. Were these the same fish from when the pond was funded or were they the descendants? You leaned your hunched body closer to Jotaro inquiring about the fish, "So, are these the descendants, or are these the fish who were here when the pond was first installed?"

"It's a mix of offspring and the ones who were here originally, koi fish live for 25-35 years. Most of them have been sold off or kept at the koi pond at home, but we kept the ones who were here at first and their first few kids." Jotaro responded softly.

"Do they have names?" You jested softly, it was only a joke. When Jotaro confirmed that they do in fact have names you used all your resolve to keep from laughing. 'God, he really did name them,' You snickered internally. You cupped your mouth quickly, refusing to allow any muffle of a snicker out. You turned your gaze to Jotaro, who was immersed in the lore of his koi fish. You smiled warmly as you gazed at the sight of your handsome and oddly large friend. He had taken you out here today to cheer you up and to have fun, you weren't sure of how to repay him. You let your cold hand fall from your mouth and rest on your knee.

Jotaro inched closer to you and asked a question you had been avoiding, "So, how are you going to talk to our friend." You froze. How were you going to talk to him? You had absolutely no reassurance of how you were going to face him. You swayed uncomfortably as your attention shifted back to the koi fish.

"I'll give him a call today." You replied simply as your eyes traced the ripples of the water.

Jotaro nodded solemnly and placed his ridiculously large hand over yours, creating a juxtaposition that would've roused a small chuckle if it had been any other instance. Jotaro reassured you warmly, "It's okay if you can't do it," he said as he turned to face you.

You looked at Jotaro with unease. 'Can't do what?' you thought to yourself. Deep down in the deepest pit of your mind, you knew what he was referring to. You felt your chest tighten and an ache in your heart because you weren't sure if you could do it. You released a loud exhale, your breath displaying a white cloud from the cold air.

"Thank you Jotaro," you replied, clasping his hand with the free hand, "but I can do it."


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