The Aura

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  It was the next day, and it was a lot colder than yesterday. You had a thick sweater embracing your body as the only thing you could see other than the dark blob was the end of your skirt. You fiddled with the cigarette packet that rested in the soft cavern of your pocket. From behind you could hear the chatter of the girls surrounding Jotaro. Suddenly, a pair of hands covered your eyes and you felt a hot breath against your neck. You squealed quietly and whipped around to give a brisk punch. (Bf/n) laughed hysterically, rubbing where you had punched him. "Ouch! So much for a greeting eh, Y/N?" he jested.

"Tch." You remarked, a small grin forming on your lips. For a while, it was just you two walking together, closely, in the cold. You could see the school ahead and released a groan. Abruptly, an arm snaked around your shoulders, bringing you closer to the body it was attached to. "You've been awfully quiet Y/N, is it the cold or the romantic aura surround you and J-"

A small squeal elicited from his lips. You had stepped on his foot brutally, it would leave a mark for sure. A dark shade of pink dusted your cheeks, at least the heat of the blush would warm you up. "Shut it, unless you want to die hand in hand from the Pompeii that is the Jotaro Fanclub." You hissed. He chuckled lightly, bringing his arm back to his pockets.

"A death that would be, 'Two teens mauled to death by a group of teenage girls'" He quoted. You chuckled, it sounded exactly like a headline for a headline. He turned to face you discreetly, a kind smile settled on his lips as he watched you chuckle at his joke. You must have been laughing for a good minute because as soon as you looked up you had already crossed the gate for school. Swiftly you could feel your mood drop.

"I'll see you in class then, try to not get murdered, yeah Y/N?" He joked. With a curt eye roll, you nodded and waved as he ran to his class. The same feeling that would occur when Jotaro would sneak over to you made it self present. Expectantly, you turned yourself around to see the looming teenager. 'Suddenly my hope to not get murdered has left.' You noted internally. Every interaction in broad daylight was a near-death scenario. "Hey, Jotaro." You greeted cooly. The cigarette packet in your pocket was now in the process of getting mangled as you fiddled with the top part of it. You felt your heartbeat getting faster and faster. As it accelerated he gave a small grunt, probably indicating it is as a greeting.

"Let's go to the library, you said you could help me whenever right?" He asked, no, almost seemingly demanded. You could feel your nails delving into the cardboard top of the pack of cigarettes. You just knew your wording of that sentence would bite you in the ass. Turning him down was plausible if you liked getting punched in the face, but then you'd miss the first lesson again, it would create suspicion. Which was inconvenient for you. Your thoughts jumped hurdles and hurdles of possibilities until you came to a resolution.

"I have to get to the first lesson if I want to be able to do my little escapades," his eyes narrowed, almost as if dissatisfied, "but, we can meet in the library during the second lesson." You smiled reassuringly. Immediately his eyes lit up and he nodded in response with a small smile. A smile, Jotaro was smiling. You returned a nod and walked to your first lesson, praying to not get scolded by the teacher for skipping. Why would Jotaro smile? He never smiled, or maybe he does smile and just tended not to because of how frustrating the girls were. It didn't matter because you weren't skipping the first lesson and avoided your murder.

A/N I- sorry for how sucky and short this chapter is. The first week of school was tedious and I deserved a break lol. I promise the quality and length will spoil you the next time I update huhuhu. Thank you all for 100+ reads I am ASTONISHED. I thought this would just be an under the radar fanfic that would get 10 or 12 reads. I'll see you all soon :)

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