The Library

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  There was a reason you tended to skip the first lesson, and it wasn't just because it was a crack ass in the morning. But because of how utterly dull and soul-wrenching, it was. However, it seemed as if time was going a lot faster than the usual day because suddenly, the sound of the bell rang. Curious, days where you were scheduled to the impending doom of Jotaro's presence, time went a lot faster. You rose from your seat and grabbed the materials sprawled across your desk. As you gathered both yourself and your materials, you walked out of class and headed to the library.

It wasn't that you hated Jotaro, he was kind when he wasn't a hostile jerk, but there was so much at risk just by looking at him. It just wasn't your life on the line, but your sanity. The copious amount of over-thinking and anxiety that would brew in your head merely by uttering one single word. As the said brew of thoughts circled through your head, you looked up to see the muscular teenager. 'Gosh, he looks nothing like a teenager.' You internally commented.

As you approached the gargantuan boy, the sound of the second bell echoed through the school. You made it by a sliver of luck, would Jotaro comment on it? Maybe, it sounded like something he would comment on. But he didn't, to your surprise, he didn't. Instead, he greeted with a muffled grunt and a curt nod. In response, you responded with a quiet hey. He pushed open the metal door smoothly and moved himself to be parallel to the door, indicating for you to walk in. His simple gesture left you askance. He was the last person you would imagine doing that.

"Thanks." You said politely, walking into the library as he followed you suit, allowing the door to close with a declaring bang. You cringed at the sound of the door shutting. The librarian definitely heard that, and you wouldn't put it past her to give you both detention for skipping. Your thoughts are scattered to the edges of your mind. What were you going to do to get out of this situation this time? You turned to face Jotaro, with a swift nod of your head, you indicated for him to follow you. If you were bolder, you would have grabbed his hand. But these past couple minutes were sufficiently filled with excitement for the day in your personal opinion. Hastily you scampered through the library, crouching to hide behind the bookshelves. You could hear Jotaro following behind you, but he definitely wasn't as light as you were. Besides, you could make out the chime of his large chain. However, he wasn't thundering as usual, which was an improvement none the less. You finally came to a stop to the back of the library where the librarian would most likely not pay attention to.

Quietly, you sat down at the table that would allow you both swift access to the exit in case of a necessary escape. Jotaro mimicked your hushed movements and sat down, conscious of the sound he would make it. But even in his efforts, you could hear the distinct ruffle of his coat and chain. A silent chuckle escaped your lips as you took out your textbook, prudent of the noise it could make if set down too brutally. Jotaro took out his own, not being as careful as you were, allowing it to make an audible thud. You glared at him but sunk away as soon as you become conscious of your actions. You did not just gaze harshly at Jotaro Kujo. If he didn't beat you up now, then God has saved your ass once again.

"Sorry." He spoke softly. He was full of surprises today, wasn't he? You could feel the guilt of your vile glare rising, but snubbed it. You nodded with a warm smile on your lips, forgiving him quietly. You failed to recognize it until now but, you haven't lied to Jotaro. If you wanted, you could have lied to him about being busy, but you didn't. It didn't matter now, you were stuck here helping him, and that was that. You flipped your textbook to the section about the renaissance and turned to the looming boy again.

"So, what artist or writer do you need help with?" You asked. Jotaro shrugged, flipping through his own book. He analyzed the chapters within the topic, his eyes flicking from right to left. "I don't know yet." He replied cooly. You felt a nerve pop. He didn't know who he was basing his project on, and yet he was requesting help? The audacity, you were risking a lot right now. You calmed yourself down, remembering who he exactly was and the bounty that would be on your head that both he and this fan club would make sure to collect. In one swift breath, you gathered yourself. Through gritted teeth, you lied about your emotions and interest in helping him find someone.

"Do you have anyone in mind who interests you?" You inquired politely, looking at your own textbook, searching for a subject. He shook his head casually. You muted your sigh of disappointment and flipped to Dante Alighieri. You felt too exhausted to really put any thoughtfulness into picking someone and slid over your textbook to Jotaro. Lightly, you tapped the flimsy paper where his name was printed. You caught Jotaro's attention and spoke considerately, "What about him?" Curtly, he studied the first paragraph and then looked back at you. His brilliantly turquoise eyes locked with your (e/c) eyes. After an awkward pause that lasted for at least a minute, but felt like one whole hour, he grunted in approval. You felt your shoulders relax. You didn't realize they had tensed up until now.

You sighed audibly, you relaxed your posture and slinked back to your own bubble.

"Ok, well, do you need any help with note-taking?" You asked begrudgingly. Your body had relaxed, but that didn't make you any less uncomfortable and annoyed. You faced him again, only to see him with the same expression he had last morning. It was the same expression he made when he seemed to be in an internal dilemma of accepting the lighter or not. The only difference was what you were offering, and that was helping him. Before he could answer, you heard the distinct sound of the librarian's croak.

"What are you two doing here?" She scolded from several aisles away. Your body tensed again, and you broke into a cold sweat. Hurriedly, you gathered your items and rose from your chair. With wide eyes, you looked at Jotaro and whispered discreetly, "Come on!" He collected himself as well and followed your scampering to the back door of the library. The two of you ran from the library, coming to a stop where the vending machines resided in a school version of an alleyway. You panted harshly, feeling the air finally returning to your lungs. You looked up from where you leaned in the alleyway, only to see Jotaro wasn't that tired. Maybe a couple pants here and there, but he was in good shape. You gritted your teeth, 'Damn those long legs of his.'

As soon as you caught your breath, Jotaro spoke up. "Y/N." He said monotonously. You were pulled away from your thoughts and rose from the depths of your mind. You replied in a simple hum, unprompted to the next thing he would say.

"You're uncomfortable around me, aren't you?" He stated as if it was a fact set in stone. You felt the air leave your lungs and your heartbeat accelerate. You were obvious, weren't you? In a lousy attempt to lie, you replied with a confused what. He inched his face closer and locked eyes with you just as he did in the library.

"You're uncomfortable around me, are you not?" He repeated.

'Fucking shit, this ass hole.' You cursed internally. 

A/N This one was LOOONG, no? Huhu I hoped I spoiled you all well and you can forgive me for the last lousy chapter :,) I promise to deliver the next time I update. In addition, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 200 READS KYAA~ Y'all spoil me silly. I know I promise y'all a lot, but I will make sure to make a very indulgent special when spooky time comes, eh? Anyways thank you all for the love, reading your comments and seeing y'all interact makes my heart soar. I love you all, see you soon.

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