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History was your best subject, it was a lot easier than math or science, that's for sure. Currently, you were studying the renaissance and the artists and writers that came from it. While you started to slumber off you couldn't help but start to pay attention once again at the words "partner,' and 'project." You grimaced, a project was already disconcerting, but a partner project was just tedious. Thankfully, you wouldn't have to choose the partners and they only existed to help you with your own project. As the teacher started reading off names, your attention was brought back to life when you heard yours.

  "Next is Y/N and Jotaro." The teacher announced. You felt your stomach drop. This was just a joke, right? This was just a prank. But it wasn't, you couldn't help but feel as if this was just a ridiculous cliche out of a romcom. The teacher had everyone move to their partners, but you refused to move. Well, more like your body refused to move. How embarrassing would it be to just grab all your stuff and walk over? Thankfully you didn't have to do any work, because soon the lumbering teen sat down next to you, making a loud thump sound.

  "Hey." You said simply, not wanting to make things uncomfortable. You couldn't help but scold yourself. You must have sounded so stupid. When did you become so self-conscious about a simple remark? Maybe it was because of everyone staring and whispering about how unfortunate you were to be paired with him, or the girl's resentful remarks. He only replied with a simple grunt, pulling his hat down, leaving you to work on your notes.

   It felt as if this class dragged on. It was as if keeping a broken machine in a factory, or perhaps you just wanted to meet up with (bf/n) for a smoke. Jotaro didn't do much, you proposed internally he would work at home. It didn't really convenience or inconvenience you, however, seeing as it was separate projects. It was graciously declared by your teacher that you could start packing up as the eerie sound of the bell came inching near. You subsequently felt relaxed, quickly you put your stuff away and checked for the cigarettes in your pocket. With them in hand, along with your confidence to rush out of the class as soon as the bell made one sound, it left. Why? Because Jotaro spoke.

  "Could you help me with the project?" He asked quietly, he must have felt ashamed or embarrassed. Why not both. You turned to face him, your insides churned. The bell rang, and you ignored your instincts to run. You nodded getting up out of your seat.

  "Yeah, I can help you tomorrow at the library whenever you want. I'd help today but I'm hanging out with (bf/n)." You answered politely. He nodded and got up himself. If your body didn't move on its own and your legs hadn't mindlessly carried you away, you might have just stood there. If you stayed longer you might have had the possibility of walking with him. Or maybe you would just get scolded at. Equally unfavorable, but walking with him would be cruel and unusual punishment.

  Soon, you were able to take over and steady the pace of your walking. You met (bf/n) at the gates where he stood with a small grin. A smug one, he must have read you like a book.

  "You're usually so unreadable Y/N, but today you have been more expressive than usual." He noted as he walked with you. You hadn't stopped to greet him. "Or maybe, I've just gotten to a college-level reading level of Y/N's, eh?" He jeered. You gave a sparse chuckle and reached for your cigarettes. In an agitated manner, you lit it and placed the cigarette in your mouth.

  "I have to help Jotaro with his history project tomorrow." You said grimly. If it weren't for your voice you would have just seemed like a hollow husk of a smoking teenage girl. (Bf/n)'s eyes widened as he looked at you with bewilderment.

"What?! Did you offer to or is he forcing you Y/N? Did he threaten you?" He inquired furiously. It was amusing, he wouldn't even be able to come as close as grazing Jotaro. The small amusement he brought you helped guide you back to life. You shook your head, taking the cigarette out of your mouth and puffing out some smoke.

  "No, I didn't offer. He asked and I agreed. I even said I'd help him whenever." You said incredulity. You were only processing your answer until now. It was inexplicable. How could you have sabotaged yourself like this? (Bf/n)'s reaction was unexpected, why? Because he laughed. No, it wasn't just a simple laugh, it was one of utter hilarity and disbelief.

  "You did not! That's self sabotage!" He said catching his breath. You nudged him with an annoyed grunt. You acknowledged your stupidity, he didn't have to rub it in. You made it to a small park where you both sat down on a worn-out wooden bench. Suddenly all that was left were small chuckles.

  "Sorry, just, good luck Y/N." He replied in between coughs. You looked at him with care. He must have been inhaling the second-hand smoke. With a shot of guilt, you got rid of your cigarette and crushed it with your foot.

  "Sorry." You said apologetically. He nodded kindly and gave you a small look of affection as if to comfort you and tell you it was ok.

  As the day got older, (bf/n) walked you home, dropping you off at the entrance. You hugged and he walked away into the afternoon. As you watched him walk further and further, only turning into a small spot in the distance you took out your keys to open the front gate, only to drop them. With a vexed sigh, you reached for it, only to be beaten by a large set of hands. You looked up to see Jotaro, and suddenly you remembered. You were neighbors.

  "Thank you." You responded delicately. He set the keys in your hands that were tiny compared to his and replied with a quiet 'Mhm.' Your keys rattled as you set them in the lock for the gate. With a loud declaration, your gate opened and you entered your home. You locked the gate once again and walked into your house.

  'Let's just hope tomorrow isn't as eventful as today.' You commented internally. You greeted your mother and walked upstairs. You changed into your pajamas and laid down on your comfortable bed. With an exasperated sigh, you covered your face with your arm. The day got older and older and you feel asleep. Tomorrow was another day, and expectantly a more enjoyable one.

A/N Hope you enjoyed today's chapter! I almost forgot to write/publish it hehe. Sorry if it's a bit cliche, but I promise I'll try to stand out with the situations between you two. I'll see you all again on Friday if school allows. Take care of yourselves, and stay safe out there huhu. I also wanted to thank you all for 100 reads!!! This means so much to me, I really do hope you enjoy this story as much as I do writing it :)

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