Same Old Jojo

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You were only a side character. You weren't as pretty as the other girls but weren't ugly, that's for sure. Your grades were average, and so was your hubris for anything that involved school. It even included the people in it. Even Jotaro Kujo, the guy all the girls swooned and who all the guys envied. Well, at least most of the girls. Most upperclassmen had already given up or weren't interested in the Kujo boy, seeing as how they grew up with him and knew how hopeless it was to approach.

You would be a liar if you said he wasn't attractive. That was the only good thing you were good at. Lying. It wasn't a damning talent, but it definitely wasn't honorable. No matter. You were only a side character. A side character who inner monologued and couldn't seem to be aware of their surroundings.

  It was almost as if you were dragged back to reality when (bf/n) had grabbed you by the shoulder and pulled you away from the gaggle of first years flocking around the Kujo boy.

  "Jeez y/n, were you trying to get massacred by those girls."

  As you were siphoned into the present and walked past the flock of young girls, you looked behind you to see the tall and intimidating Kujo boy. His turquoise eyes flashed down to your small existence, causing you to turn right back around.

Your skin had turned into a cold sweat and looked to your friend apologetically. "Yeah, I guess I was just on the moon for a while."

  The glare he had given you was nothing new, that glare was given to anyone he caught stealing a glance of him. Anyone who technically grew up around him would understand. But that didn't change the facts. And the gospel was that Jotaro Kujo was terrifying and could squish you with his shoe if he wanted.

As school seemed to be looming near, you slouched with an audible sigh of despair. You looked to your best friend with puppy eyes, the same look you always gave him when you wanted to skip the first lesson. He looked at you with a smirk and shook his head.

  "Nuh-uh, you're by yourself on this one y/n. I have a test first lesson, plus,  I need it to get out of that awkward spot for my grade." He chuckled. You were askance. Your partner in crime was leaving you for chopped liver. You rolled your eyes and added an extra bounce to your step.

"Ok, if you say so bf/n, I guess I'll skip for a smoke by myself then." You said fervently. With that last sentence, you turned yourself to walk backward and taunt him as you entered the grueling gates of the school.

  The bell had rung, making all the students disperse to their respective classes. Bf/n left for his class, including the Kujo fan girls who scattered with cries and wailing of tediousness. As you walked to your favorite ditching area, you could hear Jotaro yell for them to "Shut the hell up."

  Of course, the yell was terrifying, plus, you felt shivers run up your spine, but even so, you could feel a small chuckle perch upon your lips. As you took out your cigarette and lighter, a light snicker escaped.

  "Same old Jojo." You tucked your lighter away and put the cigarette to your lips when you suddenly didn't feel the sun's warmth on your back anymore, and were covered in a large and dark shadow.

"What was that?" A loud and dominating voice boomed. You felt your eyes widen and turned around to see the towering boy in front of you. He narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brows.

'Shit," You thought to yourself, 'I might just piss myself.'

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the first part, I'll be sure to update again soon :)

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