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It was Saturday afternoon, the day of the amusement park. The sun stood high in its place in the sky. Your parents were off to a business convention and were left home alone. As the sun's rays entered your home through your window, you ate a burned omelet you had made that didn't taste that good. It was disgusting really, but you didn't want to waste the food. Suddenly, you were deterred from your monotonous eating from the sound of your house phone ringing. You walked over to the cherry wood side table that held the purple phone on top and picked it up. It was him.

"Hey, y/n.." the boy behind the phone greeted. You paused and reconsidered if this was worth it. You looked down at your feet only to see a single eggshell appear.


"I-i'm sorry about yesterday. I just want you to be safe a-and I only want what's best for you." Bf/n said apologetically.

You fiddled with the curly line attached to the phone, wrapping it around your finger. You replied solemnly with a small 'mmm.' You weren't sure of what you were supposed to say.

"So, do you still want to go to the amusement park?" He asked, desire in his voice. It sounded more like pleading than asking. You quit fiddling with the cord and looked at the clock. It was already one. After yesterday you didn't want to be around him. You didn't think you could handle it. Another quarrel could occur, and you held no patience for these rows. In fact, with this one phone call so many eggshells had sprouted and engulfed your feet.

"No," you paused. Was this really the choice you wanted to make? This one answer could activate a bomb you weren't sure you could defuse.

"No, I don't think so. I might just stay home." You replied hoarsely, gripping onto the phone cord as tension struck your core. Your knuckles started to turn white from all the force you put into this one grip, these days your heart never stopped its rapid pace. There was a pause on the other end of the phone. Then an angry voice.

"Fine, I'll just take Yuko. I'm sure she's free. I think she'll really appreciate it." He replied gruffly. You could smell the passive aggressiveness from where you stood, it stung like an irritated wasp. The eggshells around your feet had shattered, and all that was left was a white powder of the shells. You felt the walls rise from the powder. There was a new distance that had been set between the two of you.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm sure she'd like to go," you lied through gritted teeth. It wasn't Yuko's replacement that hurt, but the walls that had been built. The eggshell's presence is what hurt. Bf/ns presence and harsh words are what hurt. Bf/n said goodbye and you said your own. You hung up and set the purple phone down in its place. You looked at your dining table and at the burnt omelet place on the white china plate bf/n bought for you a year ago at a flea market. 

You threw the omelet into the trash and set the plate in the sink. You sighed dejectedly and walked up the stairs to your room for a smoke.

You took out the gifted pack of cigarettes and opened your window, the eerie shriek of its hinges stinging your ears. Swiftly, you took out your lighter and lit the cigarette as it stood positioned in your lips. The silver smoke soon elegantly slipped from your cigarette. Leaning on your window, you smoked quietly. Your mind was blank, no thoughts running rampant.

"Hey! Y/n!" A gruff voice from below boomed. You flicked your eyes, only to see Jotaro from his own room. You smiled as you took the cigarette away from your mouth and wave, exhaling softly.

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