Guard? Down.

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  You could feel the warmth against your cheeks, and the beads of sweat descending from your forehead intensify. Your headache only got more severe, and there were no cigarettes to at least remedy you in the slightest. Suddenly, Jotaro spoke again.

"If you're so hot, why don't you take off that sweater." He said, not breaking eye contact. What was it with him and eye contact. Your fatigue only worsened. Taking off your sweater felt like hiking a great mountain. You would have questioned how he knew your dilemma regarding the heat, but your mind was in too much pain. You had finally let down your guard, meaning your extensive planning that came into factor when you spoke would be gone. Idly, you nodded and slinked your sweaty and lethargic arms to work at your sweater. But even with your best efforts, you failed. Due to your failure, you found yourself in the predicament of being stuck. You could hear the same annoyed sigh and felt your sweater be tugged away. The sweaters removal revealed your distressed body, and where there were once beads of sweat rolling down your arms, there were goosebumps. The extraction of your sweater had left you chilly.

"Thank you." You mumbled wearily. Due to the chill that ran through your body, you fumbled your fingers to button up the fluttering collar. However, even with the nimbleness of your fingers, they were too weak to fix your tie. Slowly, you could feel his shadow enlarge and then disappear. Suddenly there was a loud thump beside you, you were too tired to check, but your assumption was that he had sat next to you. The headache that once held the power of a thousand suns started to soothe. The kind warmth of the sun made it self present, bringing a cool breeze with it. As your body started to loosen up, you took a deep breath and exhaled. You could feel him next to you, and it was so quiet. It was awkward, not as serene as you thought it should feel.

"Are you sick?" He urged. It could have been the headache-causing you to hear things, but he sounded worried. You shook your head somberly, sliding down cooly, allowing yourself to lie down on the grass. As your eyes flicked through the scenery above, you noted that you were under a tree. Jotaro only replied with a hushed grunt, approving of your response. He sounded almost relieved with the news you had delivered. He must have been troubled and wanted to ask if you were ok. 'That's sweet of him.' You noted internally. You felt indebted to explain to him that it was just an inconvenient headache. The condition you were in must have been unsightly, and you troubled him immensely.

Cooly, you explained, "I just have a terrible headache." You couldn't reinforce your suspicions of him staring at you with what was either interest or confusion, but you could feel it. He must have deemed it was ridiculous of you not to go to the nurse, you didn't blame him, you did too. As if reading his mind, you beat him to inquire about your choices. "Didn't really feel like going to the nurses." That was good. You were in a decent condition to create astute decisions about your dialogue. As your body regained the strength it once held, you shifted your body to the side, only to be met with something you would never imagine.

Jotaro had laid down as well, his long legs extended through the grass, and his arms behind his head. He was lounging, but as he rested, he was facing you. Anyone in that position would have looked towards the sky above them. But he strained his neck to look at you. The look in his eyes was the same un-identifiable look that was in (bf/n)s eyes. Now that you had moved to accommodate your body to the best comfortability, you two were incredibly intimate. Too close for people who had ample space to spread out, but it didn't disturb you, and it didn't seem to bother Jotaro. Your (e/c) eyes just stared at him with wonder and confusion. Until now, you were able to note that the headache had left.

You laid there next to him, doing nothing but staring at him with wonder in your tired (e/c) eyes. Slowly, the pressure above them forced them to shut, bringing you to the world of fluffy clouds and dreams. He watched you slowly fall asleep, a light pink dusting his tan cheeks. Carefully, he reached his arm and brought his knuckles to your soft cheeks. Softly and tenderly, he caressed them with his calloused knuckles. He retreated timidly and soon shifted to be in the same posture as you. Jotaro mimicked the way mothers would tuck their tired children in. He placed your sweater over your body, allowing the soft fabric to embrace your body. He too started to fade away into rest, but the last thing he saw and the last thing he thought of was you and your peaceful slumber.

The exposure of the sun against your skin wasn't as strong as lunch. But as you awoke, you could still feel the warmth of it against you, not to mention the sweater covering you. As you shifted back to reality, your eyes adjusted to see the lumbering giant that was Jotaro Kujo napping intimately close to you. You could see the crook of his neck, and the dominating scent of cigarettes and sweat no longer wafted. Instead, he smelled like fresh grass and the touch of the sun. But you weren't going to lie and say the cigarette and sweat stench didn't leave. How long had you been out, and when did he get this close? Quietly, you sat up, trying not to make any noise against the fresh grass. Your efforts seemingly went to waste, as you hear a distinct ruffle of a large coat and the chime of a particular gold chain.

The low grunt Jotaro emitted forced you to face him. You greeted him with a curt nod. In response, he only tipped his hat to cover his seemingly flustered face. 'How bashful,' You jested internally. Tardily, the fact that you slept through who knows how many periods with Jotaro Kujo finally caught up to you. In your best efforts, you struggled to stifle your blush. You only knew him well enough to call him a mutual for two days. How did this happen? You were in shambles. You couldn't help but be perturbed and confused about how you allowed this to happen. It was quiet for a long time before one of you finally spoke up. 

A/N OOOF I was wondering if I was going to even write this chapter huhuh. I feel like my writing wasn't at it's prime here, but I always feel that way lol. Anyways, we're almost close to 400 reads and I just want to say thank you all so much! It means a lot to me!! I already have a very important scene ready, but it wont come for a while huhu. I want to make sure to pace this well. Anyways, I'll see you all Tuesday if I'm not dead by then lololol.

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