Conufsed Anger

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The next morning, you walked to school with bf/n, ignoring the light pursuit of Jotaro. As much as you tried, neglecting Jotaros's presence wasn't as smooth as it was hoped to be. What accompanied him were the same gaggle of girls blatantly announcing their adoration for him. You and Jotaro didn't have the possibility to walk together as he hoped yesterday due to the cult, so the ignorance was not ill-received. But that was in the morning.

Although the days were cold, and you couldn't help to feel a chill run down your spine, the sun still shined and blocked your ability to see. You sat with bf/n on a different bench than usual, as your typical bench was being used by a group of boisterous friends. As bf/n scarfed through his bento, you opted for revealing the story concerning yesterday's afternoon, unaware of how he would react. As you explained why you weren't seen after lunch or after school, bf/ns mouth was left ajar and the expression he would have if he had witnessed a ghost was painted over his face.

"You slept on the hill with Jotaro and missed class?" He asked, askance. The food that was once being held by his chopsticks had fallen and been claimed by the ground. Usually, bf/n would be able to reach for it in less than 5 seconds, but it seems something else entertained his thoughts. You snickered as you recalled yesterday and how delightfully strange and irritating it was. You anticipated his reaction, and how much you adored how he would perform his small fits of interest and sometimes anger in disbelief.

"Yeah, I did." You confirmed, leaning closer to bf/n, wanting an up-close view of the performance he would produce with his response. However, his reaction wasn't what you expected, no, it was everything you wouldn't expect.

"What the hell happened y/n??" He urged in anger and concern. In a swift motion, he dropped his chopsticks in his bento box and set them on your shoulders, and pulled you closer. You winced at the sudden jerking movement as well as the strength and pressure coming from his hands. You were confused, why would he respond like this? It wasn't disturbing, and nothing happened. When you studied his face all you could see was anger, his brows were furrowed and he had a nasty scowl that didn't fit his face.

"I don't know, it just happened. Why are you so mad about that?" You asked in bewilderment, sinking your hand into your pockets. Your hands search for a box of cigarettes or even a single stray cigarette was fruitless. With that lackluster ending of an expedition, your mood only soured tremendously. You had never seen him like this, nothing has ever elicited such emotion from him like this before. Sure, he's scowled and gotten angry, but never this angry.

"Because it was Jotaro!" He fumed.

"What about Jotaro? He's a nice guy, my friend, even!" You replied in defense, feeling nothing but confusion and as much as you wouldn't admit it, panic. This emotion rarely came from him, and all it did was panic you and leave you in disarray. You were in so much disorder you didn't notice what you referred to Jotaro as. 'Friend.' It felt right, it rolled off your tongue well, and your mind didn't reject it, but it was something unusual to think about, even in this instant. Jotaro Kujo was your friend in some obscure way. Of course, Jotaro irritated you here and there and you only felt anxiety when thinking about how his assembly of adoring fans discovering your 'friendship', but unusually, he was your friend.

"He's not a "nice guy" Y/n! He's a delinquent who's known for violence! What if he took advantage of you?" He argued as he narrowed his eyes, glaring with judgment. The daggers that emanated from his eyes made their holes and pierced you in the heart.

'Advantage'? 'Advantage'??? Jotaro Kujo was many things vexatious, for example. As well as irritating, entitled, condescending even, but he would never do a thing as abhorrent as that. You furrowed your brow in irritation and removed yourself from bf/ns grip, your expression that of betrayal and disappointment. As you started to craft a response, you realized the bomb you were about to activate. The last thing on Earth you could ever want is a fight with bf/n. You had to use your words prudently, something you've never practiced with bf/n. You could always speak your mind and rarely lie. You bit your tongue, avoiding your crafted statement.

'He'd never do that you ass!' You seethed internally 'And you would know that if you weren't a coward and tried to get along with him!"

You remained silent, shifting in your seat. Your expression never changed, and your eyes never left his. Breaking the tension between you two, he sighed loudly and muttered to himself, looking at the ground. You were so distracted by your anger and thoughts that you had secluded yourself back to your head. It was only his sigh that released you from your cage of isolation.

"I just want what's best for you Y/n... I'm sorry for leaving you alone yesterday. I only want what's best for you." He uttered fervently. Admitting the defeat of your inability to keep eye contact, you peered at the dropped food dejectedly.

"It's fine." You uttered in reply, lying through your teeth as you rose your head and glanced at him. Although you were upset, you still had your wits and kept your thoughts to yourself. Provoking bf/n didn't seem like a reliable idea as if this moment. The tensions between you two only got denser by the second, and your thoughts ran rampant. They ran rampant with scrutiny about you and him, they ran rampant with self-pity and frustration.

Abruptly, Jotaro appeared and sat on the grass like he did last time he ate lunch amidst the both of you. The vulgar ruffle of his coat, and the clang of his absurdly large chain declaring his arrival as per usual. You shifted to him, heeding a potential way to slink out of this miserable air enveloping you and bf/n. 'This is the first time his unanticipated company actually brings luck with him.' You remarked internally.

"Ah, hey Jotaro, sorry we couldn't walk together this morning." You mentioned, behaving as if the air between you and bf/n wasn't stiff with tension. Acting was just lying with your behavior, it seemed easy enough, and you weren't technically lying anyways. You didn't say everything was fine between you and bf/n, it's not like he asked anyways. Jotaro arrived empty-handed, there was no indication of food, simply him and his obnoxiously loud coat. Jotaro nodded in response, assumingly approving of the inconvenience that didn't allow them to walk together.

"We can walk home together then," Jotaro said in confidence, his faith of a good response oozing as he took out a cigarette and put it to his lips, lighting it quickly and shoving the lighter back into his coat pocket. When your eyes gazed at the cigarette you couldn't help but feel envious of Jotaro. Deterring from your gaze of jealousy and desire for the cigarette you glanced back at Jotaro and nodded in response.

"I'll tag along too then. You guys are neighbors, right? We can split at the crossroads of our houses," Bf/n spoke abruptly, regaining your attention and attaining the second pair of brilliant eyes that belonged to Jotaro. You examined him, stunned he would offer such a thing. Typically, he would succumb you to the arduous work of speaking to Jotaro. Although it isn't as laborious as it used to stand. You studied his expression, confused as to why he would be so bold. As you continued your examination, peering at him up and down, concluding to a diagnosis of jealousy, Jotaro grunted in reluctant approval. The look on Bf/ns face was that of fuming resentment. He had the face of a petty and angry boy. You cringed, unaware he could make such a face. As you shifted your view to Jotaro, you too noticed a foul expression. He glared at bf/n with irritability.

Uncomfortable with the cramped tension that appeared once again, you cleared your throat in hope of mediating. Your thoughts raced with solutions to fix this, your heart beating erratically and your anxiety starting to swelter.

"Okay, then it's settled. I should-," You paused, recalling you shared the next class with Jotaro.

"-we, should get to class." You continued, rising from your seat on the bench as the bell tolled powerfully. You shifted your view to Jotaro, whose eyes met yours even after he rose from his seat on the grass and he towered over you. Shifting your gaze, you studied bf/n, whose hostility only seemed to grow, and smiled lightly, trying to sneak away from this awkward circumstance.

"See you after school then."

Bf/n only replied with a curt nod.

As Jotaro was swept away with the sea of love-sick girls, you followed suit, evading the option to linger.

'Shit..' you monologued internally, 'What the hell got into him.'

A/N: Tmrw I will release a new chapter, I feel like this is the best one out of the whole batch so far, I'll work hard to make them good, enjoy. 

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