Walk Home

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 As the soft sound of the wind passed by, Jotaro's voice boomed through it "Idiot." He murmured, tipping his hat a little lower. You turned to face him, askance. That was the first thing he decides to say after napping together? Lightly, you chuckled, confused, and bothered.

"What?" You retorted, but as you scrutinized him, you were able to identify a small smirk resting on his lips. He was only being endearing. The daggers that were held in your gaze soon melted. However, no matter how sentimental it was, you were still a bit irritated. Suddenly, he let go of the grip on his hat and looked up to meet you face to face once again. He replied cooly.

"You should have gone to the nurse." Was he trying to scold you? You held your silence and your composure together for a brief second. Jotaro Kujo was scolding you for not going to the nurse. You had to laugh, and you did. You burst out laughing. It echoed through the campus and where you sat under that tree with Jotaro. He surveyed you, puzzled as to why you were laughing at his scolding. Coming down from your high of amusement, you wiped a small tear away and met his face again.

"It was more fun this way, though. No?" You replied, small chortles of laughter ensuing. Soon his look of bewilderment shifted into one of entertainment and a stifle of what seemed to be a chuckle. As the serene feeling of calamity took over you, you looked at the building that was beyond you. You narrowed your eyes, trying to identify the time and if the school had ended.

"What time do you think it is?" You inquired Jotaro. As you waited for your response, you slipped on your sweater. Jotaro responded with a quiet shrug of his shoulders, most likely just as curious as you. You nodded in response quietly, allowing yourself to elicit an audible sigh of disappointment. Your hand had darted to the soft cavern that held your now mutilated cigarettes. But instead found them beside you, even more, damaged than before. You seized his attention as he now faced your slain cigarettes.

"What happened to them?" He asked in a comedic tone. It was funny, wasn't it, how mutilated they got, and by your own hands.

You chuckled, able to see the light in the situation your now passed cigarettes had found themselves in. "I accidentally crushed them." You fibbed. It was only a tiny lie in parallel from what you'd deceived about before. Besides, you didn't initially mean to crush them. It was merely a trivial mistake.

He replied with a weak, huh, and sunk his hand into his deep pocket. As his large hand returned, he held a pack of cigarettes with one sticking out. Jotaro extended his arm to you, obviously offering you one. Internally you couldn't help but jest 'Jeez is this guy from a movie?' You nodded gratefully and took the one that stuck out shyly. "Thank you." But as you took the offering, you noticed that the pack had been used. Why didn't he have it yesterday then? You left your internal interrogations at ease with a simple thought of 'He must have forgotten.' You stashed the gift into your pocket, as he replied with a nonchalant grunt. Before you knew it, the last bell had rung, which meant you slept through all of your finishing classes. You couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for not attending your classes. Along with the sin came the discernment of foolishness for allowing yourself to sleep through them all.

"Want to walk home together?" He stated in that same demanding tone. With those words, he had broken the silence that had ensued. However, he also broke the flood gates of your prevailing thoughts. You couldn't help but think how condescending he articulated. He was asking a question yet, it sounded as if you had no choice. Maybe you didn't have a choice. Soon your thoughts migrated from the condescending voice of Jotaro Kujo to bf/n. You regularly accompanied home with him, but today he might be walking with Yuko. He'd never fumble an opportunity with her, of course not. You were able to migrate back to the decision at hand and rested on walking home with Jotaro. He lived nearby anyway.

You nodded in response a little later than you should have.

From what Jotaro witnessed, it was you lost in contemplation. He couldn't help but feel dejected, as you were most likely to turn him down. Didn't you always walk with him? However, when you accepted his offer, he felt ecstatic and rose quickly.

You rose a lot slower and somberly. Most likely, due to the headache and its leftovers. You both turned to face each other and nodded in sync, signifying you were both ready to go. Suddenly your rampant thoughts only thought of one obstacle until now. The fangirls, how would you get past them? You ensured that you both left behind the back doors of the school, aspiring to avoid the cult of girls. They were most likely scavenging the campus, looking for Jotaro.

"Why are we leaving through here?" He spoke, perplexed. You lead the way, your head in the clouds of how to avoid them and to evade risking your quiet life. You lied passively, seeking to get home quickly, "It's faster this way." If you had no sense of boundaries, you would have grabbed his hand and made him walk faster. His constant sauntering only enhanced your anxiety. Suddenly, the sound of his distinct footsteps and clothing stopped. In response, you stopped in your tracks, turning to face him. He was only maybe 5 meters away, but you could feel his discomfort and wrath.

"Yare yare, you're troubled by those girls, aren't you?" He stated. He wasn't lying, and you felt as if you owed him. If you had a more solid lie, you would have kept the facade, but this one was cascading upon itself.

"I'd rather not get us murdered." You replied comedically, hoping to lighten the mood as it had gotten tense. Thankfully, your effort had paid off as Jotaro stifled a small chuckle. Instead, what was left of the snicker was a smirk. Soon he started to continue his pace, and you patiently followed. As the cloud of silence was about to settle, Jotaro disrupted it.

"Next time we walk together, we don't hide, got it." He obliged. His demand didn't sound as dominating or condescending as before, so you accepted. But that was because you believed full-heartedly this would be the last time you would accompany each other. Your homes weren't far from the school, merely a couple of blocks. The stroll home was quiet and calm. However, you failed to acknowledge the conversation Jotaro wanted to start.

It was until you both made it home. Both of you stood at each other's side, facing your respective homes. As usual, it was Jotaro who rid of the mist of silence and spoke.

"Let's walk to school together tomorrow." As your hands fumbled for the keys, you stopped rummaging through your bag. Walking to school together? How would that work? Today seemed to be one of foolishness and not thinking situations through.

"Sure." You replied, finally finding your keys. You unlocked the gate that led to the entrance of your home and said your final goodbyes. As you entered your haven, you sauntered towards your room and collapsed onto your bed. Why would you make that choice? How could you betray your survival instincts? Was it the headache, the heat, that caused you to be so incompetent? It didn't matter because what was done was done. As you searched for the pack that no longer existed in your pockets, you found the gift from Jotaro.

In need of a decompressor, you lit the cigarette and opened your wind, allowing the draft to enter. The cigarette was unquestionably powerful, but nothing you couldn't handle. As you leaned against your window, you couldn't help but see the Kujo boy doing the same thing. The only difference was he was on the first floor, and you were on the second. 'Jotaro Kujo, what a piece of work.' You monologued internally.

 A/N I feel like my writing quality just gets suckier and suckier lmao. My favorite chapter has to be the library one so far. I feel like I used such pleasant vocabulary in that one haha. Anyways- 400+ reads is CRAZY!! Thank you so much for the love and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's a couple hundred words longer, but thats because I write a lot and didn't want to just end it so lamely haha. Expect a chapter on Thursday, yeah? See you all again!! Thank you for the love and support, it really brightens my day and helps motivate me.  

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