Another One

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  You felt agitated, you tried to steady your breath, but you were doing too much. Thankfully, the anguish was over, although you'd complain it was too long for any situation. Jotaro grunted, however, you weren't able to tell if it was one of judgment or approval. Maybe it wasn't any of those options. It didn't matter, you could finally ease. As much as plausible it could be with Jotaro Kujo sitting with you at lunch. You looked over to (bf/n), as soon as you looked at him, you made eye contact. Both of you were aware of how inconvenient it was. Especially with everyone looking at you. They were all looking at you as if you were an exhibition at a zoo. You reached into your pocket for a smoke, this was stressing you out.

'Not here.' You noted in your head. It was an open space, and teachers were bound to come by. But as soon as this train of thought came by, Jotaro spoke.

"Do you mind if I have another cigarette?" He asked monotonously. Your mind went blank. No thoughts at all. He was asking for another cigarette? Was he going to do it in the open? If he got caught, would they lead to the conclusion you had given him the cigarette? Your thoughts clambered into a mountain as soon as your mind had gone blank. However, you were quick to disrupt this string of thoughts and reached into your pocket again. You twiddled with the packaging before you handed him one. You were running out soon, you had one pack left not including this one. As soon as the exchange was made you heard a brief 'Tch' from (bf/n)

"Those are going to kill you Y/N." He declared. You turned to gaze at him with parody. He was always like this. Perhaps it was because of his grandfather.

"I have to live it up before I die, no?" You replied cheekily. While the conversation ensued Jotaro was lighting the small cigarette. As you had some light banter with (bf/n), Jotaro spoke out of the blue. It was like seeing a shark at a beach. Although you'd have to admit this whole day was a family of sharks on a beach.

"How come you like this brand?" he questioned. You turned to face him. Again, the sight of the small cigarette in between his large fingers was a sight for sore eyes. The juxtaposition was unbearably hilarious. You attempted to stifle a small snicker and replied.

"Why? Is it not as strong as your usuals?" You inquired. He grunted with a curt nod. Poised, he brought the cigarette to his lips and let out a small puff of smoke.

"Ah, well sorry to disappoint Kujo, but I have those because somebody," for a split second you glanced at (bf/n) accusingly, returning your gaze to Jotaro soon after, "is graciously allowing me to smoke, as long as it's not as strong as the others." (Bf/N) groaned audibly and stared at you with knives coming from his eyes.

"Well, I'd adore it if you stopped altogether." he seethed. You chuckled lightly. Again, Jotaro grunted. He looked so awkward in the position he was sitting in. He was sitting on a sizeable rock, with his legs sprawled out and bent. He had his arms crossed, and you could only see a small shimmer of turquoise from his eyes.

"Call me Jotaro." He said briskly. Again, you locked eyes with (bf/n) briefly. Another surprise was presented by Jotaro. Was he trying to make friends? Did he even know your guys' names? Hopefully, you were making the right decision by speaking for the both of you.

"Ok Jotaro, I'm L/N Y/N-" You were nearly about to reply, but Jotaro had cut you off immediately.

"I know your guys' names already." He replied gruffly. You nodded meekly. That's right, he should know your names by now. You and (bf/n) were almost always in the same classes as him. He must have been able to learn them by now.

"Then you can just call us by our first names then." (bf/n) responded. That was the first time (bf/n) talked to Jotaro. It was about time, you were doing all the legwork. You started to plan ahead, skipping the notion of your last lesson for the day, you would complain to (bf/n) for not helping you back there. And you were definitely going to smoke. You could feel your lifetime being cut in half.

As a light conversation continued, the bell rang. From those last couple minutes, Jotaro didn't seem as intimidating as before. He was just inconveniently large and private. You got up exhausted. Your accomplices got up as well, (bf/n) said his goodbyes just in time to avoid the fangirls. Sadly, you were left behind to be swallowed by the flock of the ladies.

Swiftly, you excluded yourself from the cluster and trekked to your last class. From a distance, you could hear Jotaro yell at them for being bothersome.

The class had begun, and you were seated in a sweat. This class was remarkably far from the second courtyard, not to mention the gaggle of girls to escape. If you couldn't have been more vexed you recognized the reality of sharing this class with Jotaro. That meant running from the gaggle a third time. 'I hope he doesn't consider me close enough to walk with him. Those girls will sure as hell be annoying tomorrow with their questions.'

A/N : SOoOooo I have a schedule. I'll update this book every two days. Depending on how much more tedious my classes get and their difficulty the updates may become more space. But for now, while the school year is new and I don't have too many assignments I will be keeping a consistent update schedule. 

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