Deflated Ego

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  It felt as if your heart would erupt at any moment. In just a second, your heart would burst out of your body. Right now, you wouldn't object to that happening. Jotaro knew, and now he was so close you could perceive the faint scent of cigarettes. You didn't dare to rupture the rhythm of your eyes following his. Sure, your thoughts were scrambled, but that didn't stop you from being a good liar. With a light scoff and deceiving confidence, you lied. "Why would I be uncomfortable?"

Jotaro examined you, mostly your eyes. He reasonably accepted the whole 'the eyes are the windows to the heart. The myth, legend, saying, whatever it was, it was true. That's why keeping eye contact and your confidence intact was so arduous right now. His examination didn't last long because he spoke almost instantaneously.

"You care what others think and say, don't you?" Suddenly you could feel a sharp burning in your head. You gritted your teeth discreetly. Who did he think he was? You didn't care at all! They could hate you and dance on your grave, but you'd still let them kiss your ass. You only heeded about the grim reaper that was his fan club who would never stop provoking you if they got a load of your "friendship" with Jotaro. Besides, what were you even supposed to respond without sounding like you cared? Cooly, you replied.

"Who said I do?"

  A small, almost smug smirk formed on his lips, the throbbing only got worse as you saw him smirk. What was he getting at? How could you be this clueless? You felt your face heat up, not from the close proximity, but from the frustration. You couldn't help but feel your rage boil inside you. He'd probably think you were blushing, and boy could you tell. The small annotation of at least knowing a small amount of what he was thinking made your nerves tranquilize. He responded smugly, "You're avoiding the question."

  Suddenly, the mercy that once started to ease in left as swift like the wind blowing your hair. You wanted to check the time if you knew the time, you'd know how long it was possible to drag this out and leave. But breaking eye contact meant losing, and you refused to succumb. With a hint of irritation, you responded to his snide remark.

"I don't care about the opinions of others. I only care if they bother me."

 "Who would bother you?" He replied you had expected a sneer. But this time, his voice had dropped. It no longer sounded like light teasing and banter.


  This was your chance to reclaim the position of being a step ahead. It's possible Jotaro wouldn't have noticed, but you always were. No matter if it was light banter or a routine interaction. If you were vague and sly, best-case scenario, you'd be able to slide out of this position. Both physically and conversationally. "You should know, they're around you twenty-four seven." Your remark had obviously caught him off guard, allowing you to scuttle away. You slinked to the entrance of the alleyway, facing him still.

  He faced you, askance. It was cute. He thought he was finally in charge, but that was far from the truth. You grinned, expecting him to wither. Instead, that dirty smirk stayed on his face. Stoically, he pulled his hat down, the shadow covering his brilliant eyes. But the visibility of his perfect teeth and that smug grin stayed the same.

  "Yare yare." He commented. You felt your body tense. The fluidity you once had solidified, like a lake frosting over during the winter. How could this be? Did he win? No, he didn't as long as you thought he didn't. You aspired to melt back into your fluid and sly state, but you could feel your blood boil. You hate to admit it, but he had won. With this knowledge and the acceptance of this fact, you couldn't help but reach your hand into your pocket and crush your pack of cigarettes. Consciously you didn't mean to do it, but your irrationality was fueled by your anger. At this moment, you could say you hated Jotaro Kujo. But it was only at this particular moment for now. Suddenly, your anger dissipated as you felt a weight upon the top of your head.

  "If they bother you, I'll just beat their ass," Jotaro stated kindly. Your fluidity returned, and a newfound emotion emerged for Jotaro Kujo. Comfortability, you didn't trust him completely, no, of course not. But you could at least consider him as a friend. You craned your neck to look up and smiled warmly at him. "Friends then?" It couldn't hurt to at least receive confirmation that there was some form of mutual acquaintance between you two. Perplexed, his beautifully turquoise blue eyes widened. He didn't expect that, did he?

  "Sure," He replied, dropping his once honey-sweet tone. You stifled a light giggle. It was painfully evident he got flustered. Right on time, the bell rang, and you released your mutilated cigarettes. You may have lost, but it was only once, and you were not ashamed to say it. You had reclaimed your throne. The ego that was deflated by the Kujo boy seemed to have grown by a humble gust of wind. Jotaros' large hand that once weighed down on the top of your head lifted, releasing you to your third lesson. Before you could make at least one step, you were stopped by the boy's somber gratitude.

"Thanks for helping me."

  As your (h/c) hair flowed tenderly against the wind, you replied with a smile in your voice and on your lips.


  You walked away, unbeknownst to the pair of eyes that followed you, and the light pink that dusted across his soft cheeks. Ashamed, he tipped his hat to cover his face and almost lunged in his steps while walking away.

A/N AHHH OVER 200 READS WHAT??? aND 8TH ON STARDUST CRUSADERS??? I really don't deserve y'all!! I promise to (try) not to disappoint y'all with this fan fic :,,,) Thank you all so much for the love and for the funny comments. See you all Friday with another chapter :))

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