Yare yare daze

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Your breath hitched, as the footsteps stopped making any sound, you heard them retreat. As they faded away you could breath again. Luck must have been on your side. You squirmed from your spot in the cliff and crawled from it. As you got up and dusted yourself off, you turned beside you to see Jotaro already up and doing the same.

  As he fixed his hat he muttered "Yare yare daze." He looked in your direction and approached you. You started to sweat. Was he going to say thank you? Or pummel you for daring to get so close. As you dropped your cigarette and stepped on it, he faced you.

  "Thank you." He grunted with a polite nod. With a simple motion he snubbed his own cigarette with his finger. Before you could register anything, you couldn't believe he did that. Wouldn't that have hurt? He did it so seamlessly. But as you took a closer look to his finger, you could see it's calluses. He must have become accustomed to it. You looked up at him and smiled.

"Yeah, no problem." There was another lie. It was a problem, the whole situation was so problematic. If you had gotten caught rumors would spread, the fangirls would never live it down. You'd have to say goodbye to your side character life. But only until now did you notice it slipped away. You hung out with Jotaro, if you would call it that. Either way, being a girl and involved with him meant no more background character. But you didn't get caught, so it was salvageable. You looked to the clock that perched on the main building. The clock read 8:45. The bell would soon ring for second lesson. You sighed, how did your rest turn into a cespool of stress. For a while you both stood there. Obviously he was getting uncomfortable, he started to walk away. Probably to skip in another spot. But you had to be kind to him. Or at least pay him back. He opened up, as little as it was, it was still something. Even if it meant putting your background character life to risk, you had to be polite. You were a liar, but you definitely weren't disrespectful and knew when you could and couldn't be rude.

"Hey, wait," you called after him quietly. You were second guessing this, whatever this was. A half baked friendship? Too late to have analyzed this in depth. You were in too deep to lie out of saying 'Hey wait'.

    'Idiot.' You thought to yourself.

  Jotaro turned to you, his coat and chain getting caught in the wind. For a split second, the only sounds were his chain and coat in the wind. As the wind came, so did your confidence.

  "You never told me why you were ditching." You said with a smug undertone. Jotaro smirked discreetly. As he tilted his hat to his face, he shrugged. Suddenly the bell rang and students made a bee line to their next lesson. With a curt smile you nodded and put your hands in your sweater pockets.

As you walked to your first class for the day, you swore he was just standing still, watching you. But as soon as you were about to confirm your suspicions, he was bombarded with his gaggle of fan girls. 'Yeesh,'You thought to yourself 'I'll pray for you Jojo.'

  As simple as that you walked into your class. From the entrance of the class you saw (bf/n) . As soon as you laid your eyes on him, his eyes met yours. You smiled and walked over to where he was sitting, making sure to snag the seat next to him. He looked at you with an eyebrow raised. He could tell something interesting had happened. You had your smug face on.

  "So, what happened while you were ditching ah?" He asked with a small smirk as he nudged you playfully. You rolled your eyes and gave him a scowl.

  "Keep it down you ass. I don't need the whole faculty knowing I ditched. Anyways I'll tell you after class, probably during lunch." You smugly replied, you eyed him mysteriously and took out a pencil and notebook. He groaned and took out his own materials.

  "Fine, but I expect a 2000 word report, in full detail, eh." He said passively, trying his best not to get caught talking. With a small giggle you nodded. As the sun started to rise and get warmer, you felt your face heat up lightly. But it wasn't from the sun. No, you were blushing.

The light pink dusted your cheeks, and secretly, you peeked at (bf/n). The butterflies started to flutter, he loved it when you had stories. And you loved it when he was indulged  in them. But as you started to float away, you shook your head and paid attention. Just letting these feelings fester would make things worse. You were only friends, and it wasn't as if anyone liked you.

  Across your classroom there was another. In between it was the courtyard you hid under with Jotaro. In that same classroom across from you, there Jotaro sat. His legs were propped on the small table as he leaned on the chair that looked like a child's one compared to him. His hat covered his face, as per usual. But under that hat, he saw you. Across from his seat, he could see you so clearly. And for awhile, all he did was watch. He watched you curiously.

A/N I hope you enjoyed this one aswell! Sorry for the quality not being as great. I was a bit ruffled with some of the dialogue and growth of the characters, but I hope you like it huhu. I'll hopefully be back soon!

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