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 When you and Jotaro walked into class and dispersed to each other's seats, the teacher declared that today would be the last day to sit with your partner. You glanced at the vacant seat beside you, anticipating Jotaros's presence. Shortly, the unoccupied seat was no longer empty, and its fulfillment was announced with a loud thud and clang of a chain. It seemed useless to greet him, as you both had walked here, as together as together could be. However, you were not one to disregard options to be polite. You shifted to face him modestly with a quiet 'Hey,' and as per-usual Jotaro greeted with a stiff nod. What were you supposed to expect?

"Do you need any help with Dante Alighieri?" You asked, flipping through the pages in your textbook for your own topic. How boring and dull this class truly was.

"No," he paused. "Thanks."

Awestruck, you stared at him with stars in your eyes. It still took a while for you to get used to chivalrous Jotaro, even if you were in some unusual way his friend. Your response was a kind smile and a curt nod as you focused on your own topic.

Your topic was of no interest to you. Just because you did well in the class didn't necessarily mean you enjoyed it. As the monotonous study hour dragged on, you felt a courteous tap on your shoulder. It had come from Jotaro. You turned to face him with a quizzical expression on your face.

"We meet up with your friend at the gate, right?" Jotaro asked although, a little peeved, it seemed. You nodded in response, gripping your pencil. The pit in your stomach made its debut again, and the lump in your throat, vomit, or your heart, you couldn't tell, joined the party. Walking home with Jotaro, publicly. Death sentence sent from the gods, cruel and unusual punishment even. What terrible crime could you have committed in your past life to deserve this?

As the bell rung, you put your textbook in its confined spot in your bag and shoved your notebook and pencil as well. You ached to get out of the classroom and its humidity. To run and not look back. But your legs failed you. You needed to uphold the commitment you made with Jotaro. Running was not an option, you were set up for failure. How pitiful, if only you had the time to spare that morning to say goodbye to your family.

With legs of gelatin, you rose from your seat with your bag in your hand. You turned to Jotaro, seeing him already up and prepared to go. It gave you chills. Was he always this prompt with getting ready? You weren't ready to leave yet, you weren't ready for it to feel so real. You were sure the class had a couple minutes left.

"Let's go meet up with him then." You said, shuffling out of the class with Jotaro alongside you. You couldn't help but prepare a will internally as you shuffled away with Jotaro.

As the large boy accompanied you in walking out of class and out of the building, your legs only felt weaker. You could feel the stares. You could feel everyone's eyes, they studied you with wonder, confusion, and some even with malice or jealousy. If anything, you were jealous of them. There was a period of your life where you too were ordinary and lead a typical life. Now you endured unfair unpunishment, you craved to be pulverized into dust. You peeked over at Jotaro. He seemed utterly unbothered as if this was ordinary.

'It is usual for him. Isn't it?' You couldn't help but internally remark. Jotaro was always the center of attention. There wasn't a day eyes weren't on him. You couldn't help but feel a stab of shame and guilt. If you were supposed to be his friend, you should at least be capable to put up with a couple pairs of eyes. As much as they troubled you and dug knives into your back. Jotaro faced these eyes every day and still, he marched proudly and with his head high. You admired Jotaro for his endurance and how he persevered through judgment and following eyes.

JotaroxReader: I Just Don't Feel The SameWhere stories live. Discover now