Chapter 28

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When we got home, the babies got put in a cot. Turns out when I went, Alfie had went to go and get stuff for the babies so they both have things now.

"So, the names?" I asked with a cheesy smile.

They looked at each other before sighing.

"You really wanna know?" Alfie asked.

"Yes, I really want to know. I can't keep calling them baby 1 and baby 2 while I still live here" I giggled.

"Ok, the boy is called Jonah and the girl..." Zoe said but looked anxious on the girls name. Had they not picked it?

"Have you not picked a girls name?"

"We have, we just don't know if you will like it" Alfie said.

"Well just tell me, I will love it!"

"Ok, the girls name is... Abigail!" Zoe smiled.

"Why did you choose Abigail? Is it because of me?"

"Yeah, you were like our daughter for a year and now whenever I look at Abigail I can be reminded of all the fun we had together" Zoe smiled.

"Me too. We're going to miss you" Alfie replied.

"I'll miss you too but maybe we can still see each other"


"Yeah, I wasn't gonna tell you but I have a plan to get us to still see each other"

"Abigail, that could be dangerous"

"I'd risk so much to see you again"

Zoe's POV

Hearing Abigail say that, it opened my heart. I think she truly loves us like we love her. Maybe this plan could work if she tells me.

"Ok, what is it?" I asked.

She explained everything and I was so shocked.

"Nikki George? Why didn't you tell us"

"I didn't want to get liked because of my sister. I feel like some people only like me because I'm living with you two"

"That's ridiculous. people love you because you're an amazing person. Anyways, we need to get this plan in to action" Alfie smiled.

We called Caspar and invited him over. Abigail called Nikki, I mean Trixie, and she agreed to come over. Trixie isn't supposed to have contact with Abi and if her mum finds out she'll be in big trouble. It doesn't help that the paps will be following her around.

"Actually, why don't we go out and 'accidentally' bump in to Trixie so she doesn't get in trouble?" Alfie suggested, doing the speech mark things with his fingers when he said accidentally.

"Ok" We agreed and Abi called her again.

"We're going to see her at McDonalds in the shopping centre"


When we got to McDonalds, it didn't take long to find her. People surrounded her asking her for photos and two paps were there.

"Guys, I think she needs a little space, don't you?" Alfie asked stepping in.

"Alfie, calm down" Zoe mumbled to him.

"Hey, you're Zoella and PointlessBlog aren't you?"

"Yeah" Zoe smiled, she loves it when fans talk to her.

"Mind if I get a photo with you?"

"Go ahead"

They took photos with people and soon they left. The paps left as well, probably scared of Alfie. Compared to Alfie, the two of them were small. Especially when Zoe and Cspar stepped in and threatened to get the rest of their mates to come over. All they would have done was call Joe and Marcus or someone and what would they do? They'd probablt be scared themselves.

Anyways, we got to sit and eat food eventually. I could see by the way Trixie kept looking at Caspar that she liked him and Caspar was basically blusing everytime they talked.

"Ok, so you two are going to meet here tomorrow for your date" I smiled before standing up.

"Excuse me?" Caspar asked confused.

"What? You didn't seriously think I'd try and get you together? It's obviously you like each other and honestly Caspar, I love you, but as a best friend. I know we had some cute moments but you belong with Tri- I mean Nikki" I have to say Nikki in public and it gets super annoying!

"I wouldn't mind it" Nikki smiled.

"Ok, it's a date" Caspar winked at Nikki.

I can already picture the gifs and edits people will make of them.



I said I was going to end this fanfic at chapter 25 but as you can see, that's not happening. I already have the next few chapters planned out and I can honestly say that this fanfic WILL be ending around chapter 35 but who knows, maybe there could be a sequel?

Anyways, I'm going to try and update every weekend but I might be a little off and upload on a Monday or Tuesday.

Thank you to everyone who is reading, voting and commenting. It means a lot and I can't thank you enough.


BYE!!!! X

Adopted By Zalfie (Zoe and Alfie) ~ Zalfie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now