Chapter 30

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 Abi's POV

It was around 9pm and I was cuddled up with my blanket watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix when my phone rang, it was a call from Trixie.

"Trixie? You aren't supposed to call unless it's an emergency. What if we get caught?"

"Does our parents getting arrested count as an emergency?" She whispered.

"What?" I asked, suddenly tensing up.

"Meet me at the park not far from yours ASAP, I'm 5 minutes away"

"Ok, I'll be there in two minutes"

I hung up and quickly put a coat and a pair of boots on before running downstairs.

"Where are you going in your pyjamas?" Dad asked laughing.

"Dad, it's an emergency. I need to go" I went to open the door but he stopped me.

"What can be so important you have to leave at 9pm?"

"I have to go and see Nikki"

"You can see her tomorrow, it's late"

"It's 9 o'clock! That's not late!"

"Quiet, you'll wake the babies up"

"I need to go dad please, just let me go to the park and see Nikki?" I asked nearly crying.

"Why do you need to see her, Abi? Why are you almost crying?"

"My parents got arrested ok?!"

With that, I ran out of the house.

"Abigail! Wait!" Alfie shouted.

I couldn't tell whether he started running after me because after I ran out I blocked out everything going on. I didn't want anyone to hold me back, I couldn't not see my own sister after all of this. Why would they get arrested? I don't understand.

When I got to the park, Nikki was already sitting on a bench in tears.

"Nikki?" I asked running up to her.

"Abi" She gave me the biggest hug.

"What hapened? Why did they get arrested?"

"Th-They murdered him" Nikki cried on my shoulder.

"Who? They murdered who?"


Why would they murder William and why would they get arrested for that now? It's been years since William went missing but my mum always told Nikki that he left. William was Nikki's boyfriend for a long time but they ended up breaking up and became close friends. They were so close that at times I thought they were still secretly dating. One day he stopped talking to Nikkii and his family. They reported him missing but my mum told everyone she found a letter saying he couldn't live this life anymore and he had to get away. It was in his handwriting so we all believed it and thought he just left without saying anything. Did they find a body?

"Are you sure? Why would they want to kill him? It makes no sense"

"Before they got in the police car they admitted it was true and he was a threat to the family or something. He was my best friend, why would they do that? He would never hurt anyone, he might look hard but he was so soft. I don't want to go home tonight, can I stay with you?"

"Of course you can. I'll probably get shouted at for running out on them like that but they'll be ok with you staying"


We hugged again before we stood up and went to walk home.

"Don't run off like that again young lady! I was worried! You can't drop a bombshell like that and run!" Alfie shouted.

"Look, can we talk about this tomorrow? I think Nikki needs some rest, can she stay over tonight?"

"Fine, and yes she can. We got a phone call from the police just after you left telling us we had to go in to the station tomorrow. It's about your parents but I'm assuming you already know everything"

"I think I know everything. Can we just go home? I really want to sleep and I think Nikki does too"

"You know, you've recently been calling me Nikki. I like that but at the same time it's just weird. I'm going to come out and tell everyone I'm actually Trixie Clark" Trixie told me as we started walking home.

"I'll let the world know I'm your sister as well. I don't care if I get judged for it. It's who I am so why be ashamed of it?" We giggled as we walked the rest of the way home.


*next day*

I barely got any sleep but at 8:30 I decided I should get out of bed and get some clothes on. As I walked downstairs, I heard something coming from the living room. I immediately walked in to the living room to see Trixie sitting and crying.

"Trix? I know it's hard but we can get through this. They might have some explanation for why this has hapened" I whispered giving her a hug.

"They killed him. Will was my best friend. Scrap that, he was my boyfriend. I'm not going to hide it anymore, we were dating. We didn't want loads of people asking questions so we agreed to keep it a secret. When he left I knew something was up. He wouldn't just leave. I found a note in mum's room before I came to you"

I read the note.

'Watch your back, more importantly watch your daughter's back. Some things might slip out to the media that will make her career end. Leave the other kid alone and give her some attention or Trixie gets it. Choose wisely, the rich and famous one or the loser and lonely one? -W'

"So Will was really a threat? He loved you. why would he do this?" I asked.

"We started becoming a bit distant. I talked to different people and I guess he just got jealous. His jealoussy cost his life. They deserve to rot and die. I don't care if they're our parents or not. To me they're dead. I never want to see them again" Trixie spat.

"Let's go and get ready. We need to go and get ready for the police station soon. Come on"

While Trixie got dressed, I tried waking Zoe and Alfie up.

Abigail and Jonah stayed at Joe's last night so we don't have to take them

"Zoe" I whispered, shaking her.

"Alfie" I whispered, shaking him.

None of them woke up. I tried waking them up for about 1 minute and 30 seconds then I lost my patience and shouted at the top of my lungs.

"Zoe, Alfie, wake up!"

"No need to shout" Zoe said while rolling over.

"Go away" Alfie mumbled.

"If you don't get out of bed in the next 5 minutes I will come up here with two water guns and I'll let you guess what will happen" I smiled before leaving.

"For a young teenager, that girl is evil" I heard Allfie whisper to Zoe then they both laughed a little.

I went downstairs and ate some toast before everybody else came downstairs.

"You ready then?" Alfie asked.

"I guess" I mumbled before walking outside and getting in the car.

Adopted By Zalfie (Zoe and Alfie) ~ Zalfie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now