Chapter 34

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I woke up in my bed with a bit of a bad head. I don't remember drinking much last night. I looked at my phone, 7 texts and 3 missed calls all off the same person.


From Luke:

I'm sorry for last night. I was wrong to do that and I should respect you for your decisions in life xx

Please don't hate me, I miss our daily conversations xx

Abi please answer! I know what I did was out of order but I miss us being best friends xx

Why aren't you answering your phone? Do you hate me that much? Xx

It's 10 am you should be awake by now please answer xx

I'm going back home so I guess this is goodbye xx

If you're going to ignore me than fine, be like that. I'm flying back home at the 3pm flight anyways so I guess I can't say goodbye. Just remember I'll be gone for good this time and I can't screw your life up anymore xx

I looked at the time on my phone, 1:30. I've never slept in this long, why didn't anyone wake me up? I went downstairs and quickly put some bread in the toaster before running back upstairs to set out some clothes I could put on. I went downstairs again and buttered my bread and eating it. I was so quick getting ready and showering that I managed to be ready for 1:45 New record!

When I came back downstairs I got questioned by Zoe and Alfie.

"Where are you going? Why were you running around everywhere?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah, and why are you dressed like you've been in hibernation for months on end?" Alfie added.

"I was going to ask if one of you could give me a lift to the airport and I was running around because I needed to get ready quickly. I look like this because I don't really care what I look like, as long as I get to the airport as soon as possible then I'm satisfied"

"Why do you need to go to the airport?" Zoe asked.

"Luke and I had a little argument sort of thing and he's leaving but I want to make up with him and he's going to be at the airport. I know his flight isn't until 3 but he always goes to airports early"

They looked at each other with a weird look before finally answering my question.

"No, he always upsets you. You should upset him once in a while" Alfie replied.

"He has anger issues and stuff, you know that. Please take me?"


"Fine, I'll get a taxi" I smiled sarcastically.

"With what money?"

"I have my own money. I may be 16 but I'm not gonna rely on you for money all the time"

I walked out the door but ended up walking in to Caspar.

"Oh, hi" I smiled giving him a hug.

"Hey. Where are you going? Do you want a lift?"

"No I'm fine. I'm getting a taxi to the airport"

"The airport?"

"Yeah. I'm going to see Luke and I really need to get going"

I got my phone out and dialled the number for a taxi. I'm surprised Alfie and Zoe didn't stop me and make me get in the house. They actually let me go!


"Luke! Luke!" I shouted while frantically running around the airport.

I looked in every direction until I saw him, he was sitting in Starbucks with (probably) a coffee. I ran over to him straight away.

"Luke, I'm sorry I didn't reply to your messages. I was actually sleeping and I didn't get up until like half an hour ago and I'm out of breath so just give me a sec" I explained invest wren breaths.

"Calm down Abi. Breathe in through your nose and out through you mouth" he joked.

"Funny" I replied sarcastically.

I sat with him and we both apologised about being horrible to each other. We talked until it was time for him to get on his flight.

"I'll miss you loads but I know you'll always be safe here. Text me if you ever need me" Luke told me while giving me a hug.

"I'll miss you too. Love you like a brother" I smiled up at him.

"Love you like a sister" He smiled back before walking through the gate and waving goodbye.

I turned around to see Caspar looking over at me. He didn't look at all pleased.

Adopted By Zalfie (Zoe and Alfie) ~ Zalfie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now