Chapter 26

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I didn't know what to do. I'm a teenager not a midwife! I immediately called Alfie.

"Alfie come home quick!" I shouted through the phone.

"What's wrong?" He asked, worry in his voice.

"It's Zoe, she's having the baby"

"I'll be there as soon as I can!"

And with that he hung up.

"Breathe Zoe, deep breaths. In through your nose and out through your mouth" I did this so Zoe didn't feel like an idiot.

"You're gonna be ok Zoe, don't worry"

"Abi, it's early. It's a few weeks early. What if it's not ok?"

"Zoe, ignore the anxiety and breathe. Everything will be ok, stress could have caused this but you're healthy and the baby has been healthy. Don't worry"

We basically repeated the breathing thing until Alfie came.

"Zoe?!" Alfie shouted, running in to the room.

"Can you take her to the hospital?" I asked.

"Do you want to come or should we leave you with Joe?"

"I want to go and make sure Zoe's ok"

"Will it not scar you for life seeing a baby being born?"

"She's practically going to be my sister, Alfie"

"You can tag along but I doubt you'll be allowed in the room"

Alfie got in the car with Zoe and I hopped in the back. When we got to the hospital, I waited in the waiting room. For goodness sakes I'm not a baby!

Alfie's POV

I didn't want Abi to see this, it could scar her for life! She's only just turned 16, she's not really an adult is she?

"Everything will be ok" I re-assured Zoe repeatedly until we got to go in a room.

She lay on the bed yet she looked so uncomfortable. I'd love to be in bed right now. That's not the point Alfie! Get your head in the right place!


"You're going to have to push, are you ok with Alfie being in here?" The mid-wife asked, recieving a nod from Zoe.

"Ok, push"

She looked so uncomfortable and in so much pain, all you're doing is popping a child out.

"Alfie, I can't do this" She whispered inbetween breaths.

"Yes you can Zo, keep doing big pushes. I'll always be here, just squeeze my hand"

My hand was starting to go numb when I said this.

"Nearly there, well done. One more big push" The mid-wife encouraged.

Zoe did another big push.

"Why isn't she crying? What's wrong with her, is she ok?" Zoe asked, worry in her face.

The mid-wife whispred something to one of the people in the room and off they took the baby.

"Let's check and see if you're ok" The mid-wife said, ignoring Zoe.

"Is the baby ok?" Zoe repeated.

"We don't know, we can't say right now. She was early, it's normal for this to happen when they're early. She might come around"

"I feel weird, as if something's still inside me" Zoe wriggled feeling her tummy.

"People can feel that way after giving birth"

Suddenly, Zoe screamed.

"What's wrong?" I asked, holding her hand tighter.

"I, I need to push" Zoe said inbetween breaths again.

The mid-wife did something and looked shocked.

"Honey, you're having twins"

We're having twins? We haven't got enough room for twins! We barely had enough room for one baby.

Abigail's POV

I sat in the waiting room, it had been over an hour and a half and I still wasn't allowed to go in. I kept looking up the hall at the room Zoe was in. Eventually, I saw the door open. As I looked, it wasn't Alfie or Zoe, it was a nurse with a baby in her arms. Was it Zalfie's baby? Is something wrong?

Joe came running in with Caspar.

"Is everything ok?" They asked in sync.

"I don't know, I'm not allowed in. Apparently I'm still a baby" I mumbled.

"You're not a baby. She's giving birth, it's a big thing. Maybe they just don't want you there" Joe replied.

"Why? Because I'm not a part of the family?"

"I didn't mean it like that"

"Of course you didn't" I said sarcastically.

"She's giving birth, Abi. It's a big thing"

"But you'll get let in and so will Caspar, he's not family"

"He's been our friend for years"

"And because I've been here for not even a year I'm not classed as 'family'? So I've been calling Zoe and Alfie mum and dad for nothing? I've been calling you Uncle Joe for no reason? I've always been told I'm part of the family. I was adopted by Zalfie, Joe"

"I didn't mean it that way"

"No, you never mean it in that way do you?"

"Stop fighting, jeez" Caspar sort of stepped inbetween us.

Alfie's POV

"It's a boy" The mid-wife told us, smiling.

He was crying, hopefully he's ok. Even though he seemed ok, he got taken away.

"We haven't thought about boy names Zo, what are we gonna call him?"

"I don't know, we can think about that later"

Adopted By Zalfie (Zoe and Alfie) ~ Zalfie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now