Chapter 32

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A/N: Read the authors note at the end :)


When we got home we had a mini party.

"Mum, isn't it going to be confusing if you have two children called Abigail?" I asked.

"We can change her name I guess. Any names in mind?"

"No, it's for you to decide"

I walked in to my room where Trixie was sitting in front of the camera.

"How do you know how to set the camera up?" I asked.

"I learn from the best" she smiled.

We started recording and I did my normal introduction.

"So, you guys need to know something about me. I can't remember if I've mentioned in any of my previous videos anything about a sister but I do have a one. I'll be getting on with the sister thing in a second. Anyways, I made a video about everything that's changing. I said how I was going back to my real family because Zoe and Alfie were looking after me. I didn't realise Zoe and Alfie were only looking after me temporarily but things have changed now and I've been adopted. I'm now Abigail Sugg-Deyes. Now, on to the reason Nikki is sitting here next to me. Nikki George, as your probably know, is a famous actress/singer. You probably didn't know that I knew her but we're really close because Nikki is my sister"

"I'm also not Nikki George. Well, I am, but that's not my real name. My real name is Trixie Clark. I'm making a YouTube channel too so there will be a link to that in the description box"

"Thank you for watching and please be supportive. Thank you, toodles" I smiled to the camera.

I finished recording and we went downstairs and talked about how we felt about life right now. I feel like my life is almost complete. There's just one thing I'm missing, Casp- I mean, a bunny?

Ok! I like Caspar! He's dating my sister though which is weird considering I didn't even need to set them up since I'm staying with Zalfie for life now.

"Trixie, how are you and Caspar doing?" I asked.

"Good I think. We're going on another date soon"


"Cut the crap Abi. I know you like him"

"Me? Like Caspar?"

"Abi, it's obvious. The way you look at him and act around him"

"I'm normal around him"

"Oh really, well he's coming this way so you can talk to him"

"But you're dating"

"If you say so Abi"

She then walked away and I was left with Caspar.

"Has she told you yet?" Caspar asked.

"Told me what?"

"That we're not really dating. She told you right?"

"What? You're not dating?"

"No, we agreed to tell you since you're staying with Zoe and Alfie now. I never liked her in that way Abi, I always liked you"

"You make it seem so easy to say how you feel about people, how?"

"I count to three in my head and then say it. What's the worst that could happen? You could say you don't like me in that way and we can stay like this or we could go on another date"

"Wait, are you asking me on a date?"

"Abigail Sugg-Deyes, you're so slow to understand these things"

"You're confusing me Caspar"

"Yes, I'm asking you on a date"


"So, your answer?"

"Oh, erm, yes" I replied more like a question.

"Abi, if you don't want to it's totally fine"

"No, honestly I do want to. It's just, we were such good friends. Would it not ruin things?"

"If it doesn't work out then I don't want anything to be awkward between us. We can go back to being friends"

"I don't want to be friends if it doesn't work out"

"Ok, then we won't talk if it doesn't work out, I'm positive this will work out"

"You're so stupid" I giggled.

"How am I stupid?" He chuckled a little while holding my hand.

"I wouldn't want to be friends because I'd want to be best friends like we are now. Anyways, yes I will go on a date with you"

We both smiled at each other before someone put there hands over my eyes and dragged me away.

"Who's this?" I asked but they didn't reply.

"Seriously, who is it?"

"Guess" The voice was a terrible impression of a british accent.

"You smell like Luke, are you Luke?" I asked.

"Wow, you remember what I smell like"

"OMG! Luke!" I took his hands away from my eyes and jumped up and hugged him.

"How did you get here?"

"I heard that Zoe and Alfie were going to try and adopt you for good so I decided to fly over. I knew you'd say yes to them"

"I've missed you so much" I smiled.

"I've missed you too"

Ok, I did miss Luke. I missed him a lot but this just ruined everything! Seeing him stand there in front of me made me think twice about liking Caspar. Boys, they got me messed up!


People commented on my last chapter about the name of the baby. Yes, it will change. I already planned it out for it to change. This is where you come in to this.

YOU can choose the name. Comment below the name you think the baby should be called and I'll choose my favourite. I'll shout the winner out and dedicate a chapter to them.

Also, comment below whether you think I should write a sequel or not :)


Adopted By Zalfie (Zoe and Alfie) ~ Zalfie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now