Chapter 4

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It's been a few days and I've just finished packing for VidCon. Marie and Lizzie saw Joe's video and tried to be my best friend. Loads of people seem to have seen it but the only person I'm talking to a lot is Toni.
"Need any help?" Dad asked knocking on my bedroom door.
Alfie is spending the night here and then we're all getting a taxi to the airport in the morning. I've been obsessed with YouTube for the past few days and I haven't been off it. I uploaded my video with Joe and lots of Joe's subscribers subscribed to me. Joe is like a brother to me, we're so close.
"Yup, I haven't packed for anything before, I haven't been on a holiday or anything before" I admitted.
Dad helped me pack and when I got downstairs they had bought me a present. I unwrapped it and it was a charm bracelet.
"We're gonna give you charms for it everytime something happens so it's like a memory bracelet" Mum explained.
"Thank you it's beautiful" I put it on my wrist and hugged my parents.
"You need an early night, it's a big day tomorrow" Dad said.
"Can I vlog? I wanna be like you guys" I asked.
They nodded and laughed. I went upstairs and put my phone, camera and laptop on charge. My YouTube channel is for random things and I like singing so I recprded me singing and then I recorded a music video, I'll edit it on the plane tomorrow.
"Wakey wakey!" Zoe whispered loud enough for me to wake up.
"I'm really scared mum" I admitted.
"I've never been on a plane before"
"It will be fine, you have me, Alfie and Joe. Caspar's getting the later plane wth Marcus"
I jumped in the shower and put my hair in a side plait when I got out. I quickly got dried and dressed. I put on an oversized t-shirt, I prefer when t-shirts are oversized becasue they're more comfy than normal sized clothes, and a pair of leggins with black flats. I quickly got out the camera and started my vlog.
"Hello everyone! I'm going to try and vlog as much of this as I can but I'm going to VidCon with my family but I'm gonna do a quick OOTD. This top is fr-"
"Want me to video that?" Zoe asked as she knocked on my door.
Zoe took the camera and I started again.
"This top is from Primark, these leggins are from New Look and these shoes are from New look. This headband is from Primark and this bracelet is from my new parents" I smiled.
"Time to go in the taxi" I said before signalling for the camera to be turned off.
I carried my suitcase downstairs and put my coat on.
"Bye grandad" I said hugging Graham.
"Have a nice time" He replied.
On the way to the airport I was getting hyper. A little too hyper.
"Calm down" Zoe giggled.
"I can't. Sorry. I'm stupid. Stop" I started hitting myself trying to get myself to calm down causing them to laugh more.
Eventually I did calm down. I'm so embarrassing, now I know why I was neglected. When we got to the airport we had to wait a while before we could board the plane. It was fun though. We played I spy which was surprisingly fun.
When we got on the plane Joe sat next to me, I sat next to Zoe and Zoe sat next to Alfie. I started editing the music video and Zoe listened to it.
"Very good" She whispered.
Half way through the flight, Alfie started playing with Zoe's hair and when Zoe tried to play with Alfie's she ended up hitting him in the face so Zoe and I were crying of laughter while Joe was sleeping and Alfie was in pain. It was really funny.
Zoe and I were videoing them sleeping but we couldn't actually get to sleep.
When we eventually landed my video was edited and we had to change the time on our phones to the new time zone. I text grandad when we had landed and vlogged a little. When we got to our hotel other YouTubers were already there.
"This is Tyler, Jim, Tanya, Colleen..." The list went on.
I got to know everybody and it was quite fun. I instantly became friends with Tyler, he's so funny. Louise wasn't here yet, she must be getting the later plane as well.
"Caspar text me, he's getting on the plane now" Alfie told us.
"Then Abigail can be harassed by him" Zoe joked.
"He doesn't like me, I don't like him"
Honestly, I think he's cute but I don't know him that well. I've seen loads of Zoe and Alfie's videos but I haven't seen many of his. I'm sure they're good though.
"Caspar's got a crush on Abigail" Tyler sang.
"What about this little troyler ship I've heard about?" I replied.
"That's a little ship. It won't go that far"
"I ship it"
We went to our hotel rooms. Zoe and Alfie share a room and I share a room with Joe. We have separate beds just making that clear. I was about to have a little nap before everybody else arrived when Joe hit me with a pillow.
"Joe stop!" I shouted laughing.
My phone buzzed and I had a message from mum asking if I was ok so I replied saying that joe and I were carrying on so we didn't get in trouble for pillow fighting. We had to stop the pillow fight because I felt a little bit ill.
"We'll need to tell Alfie and Zoe" Joe told me.
"No il be better after I have a nap or something. I didn't get much sleep it's probably that" I replied convincingly so he finally let me sleep.
When I woke up from the nap I felt worse. The pain in my stomach was really bad and it was hard for me to not scream in pain. I got out of the bed and tried to walk over to the sink to get a drink but I ended up tripping over one of Joe's shoes. When I fell over I knew I wouldn't be able to get back up, it was hard for me to move because of the pain. Joe wasn't here so I was left in the room by myself.
"ZOE! ALFIE!" I shouted hoping the would here from next door but they didn't come in the room.
I saw something near the sink, it was a note.
'We've gone out to meet Caspar and everybody at the airport. Didn't want to wake you sorry. If you're reading this then we left at 1 o clock. We shouldn't be long
Love Zoe Alfie and Joe xxxxx'
I looked at the clock which read 1:13 so they would be at least another 15 minutes. My phone was out of reach and my stomach was really hurting. I tried to get up but I kept falling down and failing. I was about to give up when I remembered Tyler's room is beneath mine.
"TYLER! ARE YOU THERE?" I shouted hoping he would hear.
A few minutes later I heard a knock at the door.
I grabbed a key that was in reach and tried to slide it across the floor under the door but it failed.
"Can you call mum and dad? I'm... I'm..." I couldn't finish my sentence I suddenly felt really faint.
"Abigail? Are you ok?" Tyler shouted throught the door.
"Abigail? What's wrong with abigail?" I heard mum's voice very faintly.
"She won't finish her sentence I don't know what's wrong" I heard Tyler say.
I felt really sleepy. I heard Zoe shouting for Joe to give her the key but I don't remember everything. All I remember is becoming really sleepy and seeing Zoe and Alfie running up to me and then Joe saying,
"I knew we should have told them that you felt ill"


It's sort of boring and I don't really like the next few chapters. I was gonna stop writing but people were asking me to continue so I have. After about chapter 7 it will get better I PROMISE!

Please vote and comment for me to update if you want me to update!<3

Adopted By Zalfie (Zoe and Alfie) ~ Zalfie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now