Chapter 18

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I had a restless night. I couldn't stop thinking about Caspar and what he tried to do. Maybe it was a mistake and I should forgive him?

Luke stayed the night, it was easier for the taxi and everything. We had to get up at 4:30am which is way too early considering I didn't manage to get to sleep until 3am. At least I can sleep on the plane right?

"Wake up sleepy head!" Zoe shouted walking in to my room.

"Calm the f down!" I shouted back.

"Language missy" Zoe teased.

"I said f not the actual word"

I walked downstairs to see pancakes on the table and Luke in the lounge watching TV.

"How long have you been awake for?" I asked.

"I've been up since 4. Made you breakfast" He smiled.

He's the most adorable thing in the world, next to Nala and the guinea pigs of course.

I munched on the pancakes and then had a quick shower before putting a plain lilac over-sized jumper on and some leggins.

"You'll be way to hot in that on the plane. Australia's hot, the total opposite to Britain" Luke chuckled.

"I have a t-shirt on underneath, I'll take my jumper off if I need to. Ready to go?" I asked.

"The taxi should be here soon" Alfie informed us.

"Beau e-mailed me a video to edit so I can do that on the plane" Luke replied.

I can't believe it, I'm going to Australia for 2 months. Well, mum and dad said I can go home earlier if I want to but if I want to stay the whole 2 months I can. The only thing is, it will be my 16th birthday next month. I kind of wanted to spend it with my family.


"What are we?" I asked.

"Humans?" Luke replied confused.

"No, I mean relationship wise"

"Oh, what do you want us to be?"

"Well, I really like you and I''m sure you really like me otherwise you wouldn't have let me snuggle in to you" I started.

"So, girlfriend boyfriend?" Luke asked me.

"If you want to be"

"I guess we're dating" Luke said with a smile.

We walked through the airport, saying our goodbyes. Caspar didn't even show up, he's so sorry isn't he. Note sarcasm.

When we got to the part where we had to board the plane, we found out the flight was delayed.

"Let's do a fail video" Luke whispered.

"How are we going to do a fail video in the airport?"

"Walk in to people, act like an animal or something"

"And get kicked out? I'll pass, I really want to go to Australia with you and I'm not going to ruin the chances"

Luke's POV

"And get kicked out? I'll pass, I really want to go to Australia with you and I'm not going to ruin the chances"

My heart skipped a beat when she said that. With you, me. She wants to go with me.

Finally, after a long wait, we were allowed to board the plane.


"Please fasten your seatbellts as we get ready for landing" A voice came through the speakers while the seatbelt light came on.

Adopted By Zalfie (Zoe and Alfie) ~ Zalfie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now