Chapter 10: Spider-man?!

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HEY GUYS SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN FOREVER!!! I've been really distracted, but I finally have it written. So here you go Ashton and Maggie's date!!!


I walk up to the door and swing it open. Ashton is smirking leaning against the door with his jacket slung over his shoulder.

"Hi." I mumble staring at him taking in every feature. His hair was sexily messy on the top of his head like always, his shirt gripped his muscles perfectly, his jaw shaved, and his beautiful hazel eyes were checking me out, looking me up and down. I blush as I pull down the dress thinking it would magically grow 2 inches.

"You look hot."

"So do you." I reply in a dazed voice. He chuckles and I just stand there staring.

"Stop gawking and go!" I whip around to see Jessi looking at me with an amused look on her face.

"Shall we?" Ashton asks holding out his arm. I link elbows with him.

"We shall." I smile, until we come up to a black Ferrari, "Holy mother of nutella..."

"You like?" Ashton asks opening my door for me.

"I've never seen a Ferrari, let alone been in one." He smiles as he opens the door for me. I slide in and smile back. He closes the door and slides across the hood like the cool guy he is. I just stare in awe, jaw open, eyes wide with admiration and shock. He gets in the car smirking.


We drove for about 30 minutes, until finally arriving at a restaurant I couldn't pronounce. It was really fancy looking with people getting out of cars giving keys to vallets. We drove up and the vallet walked up to my door and started to open it, but Ashton was soon pushing him away, opening my door, and grabbing my hand to help me out of the car. A real gentleman!!

"Take care of my baby." Ashton says giving the keys away with an expression that screams 'Do what I say if you ever want to have children'. You could practically see the vallet shaking. With a short nod he got in the car and reved the engine. I could feel Ashton tense beside me and I chuckled.


"That was so good!" I say as I sway our linked hands back and forth. We had eaten, talked and laughed. I had slowly began to stop seeing him as a huge boulder that could crush me at any moment and began to see him as a big teddy bear with protective walls. He was so sweet and now we were taking a walk along the beach. I don't even care if it's cheesy its so romantic!

Ashton chuckles before answering, "I'm glad you liked it. Hey, wanna play a game?"

"Sure." I said getting lost in the waves slapping on the shore.

"Twenty Questions. You go first."

"What's your middle name?"

"Well that's a lame question" He says smirking, "Cole"

"Ashton Cole Samuels...." I say the names rolling off my tounge, "I like it!"

He chuckles, "Well that's always good. My turn. What's the worst punishment your parents have ever given you? Or are you too much of a goody-goody?"

"I am not! I've gotten in bad trouble." Lies, such lies.

"Oh please, do enlighten me."


"I knew it! That'll have to change."

"No I have stolen a piece of candy. Well I was 5 and as soon as I left my parents found it and made us turn around, drive back to the store, and I had to give it back to the counter. The person laughed and she just gave it to me, BUT my parents totally scolded me and I had to share it with them." I triumphantly hold my head high while feeling like a rebel.

He let out a booming laugh, "That's it?! You had to split the candy bar?!"

"Hey! It was twix! My favorite candy! It was very sad at age 5." I wipe away a fake tear as he rolls his eyes.


"What's the most embarasing thing that has ever happened to you?" I asked Ashton taking a deep breathe smelling the saltiness in the air.

"Umm.. Well when I was in kindergarten I would pretend I was a superhero. I would have a cape and everything. My mother would always tell me not to pretend outside of our house, well on Halloween I dressed up as my favorite super hero at the time and I had put underwear on top of my head as Spidermans mask. I went to counselling for about a week after my mom had to come get me because I had wrapped string around my teacher to impress some girl that I could shoot webs out of my hands...." He rubs the back of his neck letting a puff of air out and avoiding eye contact. I couldn't help it I laughed. No that's an understatement I fell to the ground holding my sides with tears running down my face. I just laid in the sand laughing for a good 2 minutes until I finally my got most of my giggle fits down. I look at him to see a mix of admiration and laughter swirling in his eyes.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to laugh it's just...." I wiped a stray tear out of the corner of my eye standing up and brushing the pieces of broken up rock off my dress.

"Nah, its fine you looked cute." I blush at his comment and turn away silently cursing myself for wearing an up do so I couldn't hide my now auburn cheeks. Soon though I feel the strong grip of Ashtons calloused hand on my chin forcing me to turn around and look up at him.

"Don't hide your blush its adorable." I feel my cheeks warm right back up, but this time I couldn't move. I stare into his gorgeous eyes swirling with brown and green. I took a quick glance at his lips, they looked so plush and kissable. I bet he's a good kisser. I wonder who he's kissed. Lucky them. I furrow my eyebrows together getting lost in thought.

"What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" Ashton asks dragging me out of my jealous rant to myself.

Before I even realized what was coming out of my mouth I just blurted, "I'm thinking about who you've kissed." My eyes widen as my slow brain registers the words I was saying, "I er...I mean...I didn't...that wasn't supposed....I...I'm sorry" I fumble with my words as Ashton chuckles at my discomfort.

"No it's fine, but its my turn to ask a question." He pulls me into his chest smirking, "Can I kiss you?"

My breathe hitches in my throat and all I can do is a short robotic nod. He slowly leans in and his eyes become fixed on my lips. My eyes flutter shut and soon his soft warm lips are crashed into mine. Tingles shoot from my lips and down my spine. I shiver uncontrollably and he smiles into the kiss. It was soft at first, but soon our hunger for each other becomes prominent as the kiss becomes rough and heated. Our lips move in sinc as I run my fingers through the back of his soft hair. He tightens his grip on my waist and moans into my mouth begging for more. His tongue slithers on my lips and I gladly give him entrance. We kiss for what seems like ages until I feel my lungs burning. We both part gasping for air.

"That was...."

"Amazing." Ashton finishes for me as we rest our foreheads against each others. I smile up at him and he returns it with dazzling eyes, "Oh and to answer your question of who I've kissed... It's a total of"

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