Chapter 25: Talks and Surprises

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§Talks and Surprises§

*Maggie's POV*

I pace back and forth, chewing on my nails as I go. How am I supposed to say this? I like you, but I don't want to date you? I want to date you, but it won't work out. No words just a sad smile, a kiss on the cheek, and a wave goodbye? No, that's not final enough. We are over. No, too harsh. I wanna stay friends, but just friends. Yeah. That should work. Let's hope this doesn't ruin my life. Its not like I have anything to lose. Except everyone I love or am close to. Oh no! Jessi, mum, Derek, Brandon. Wait. Did I just think of Derek as someone I could lose? And before my brother? I mean yeah, my brother and I have bumpy times, but I thought of him last? Derek?! Really?! Now that I think about it, I really am a loner if that's the only people that I have close to me. Especially if one of them is Derek. Whatever. Back on topic. I need to walk in there, tell him what I came to say, and pray he doesn't hate me for all eternity and murder my friends and family.

I press the button and a voice comes in the intercom.

"Who is it?" Rosie, Ashtons house maid asks.

"Maggie." I speak in a tiny voice, but she hears me.

"Oh! Hello dear, just come right in." The gates buzz open and I walk down the long sidewalk, past the fountain, and to their giant door. I weakly knock before Rosie opens the door and hugged me. She smelled of strong perfume and cleaning chemicals. I smile and hug her back before she motions to the stairs, "He's in his room. He's been in there for the past week, pouting and punching his bag."

I gulp and thank Rosie before heading to the stairs. Very slowly.

Rosie watches me, "Don't worry hun, he won't hurt you. He's bad, but not that bad."

I nod and begin climbing the stairs as fear washes over me. Its like I was back at square one. Terrified of Ashton. I reach his door and hear thudding and grunting inside. I knock quietly on the door. He doesn't hear me. I knock louder. Nothing. I sigh and slowly push the door open, peaking my head in. I look around the giant room before I spot Ashton in the corner. Sweating, punching, and shirtless. I clear my throat, but he can't hear me over the impact of his fists and the loud blaring music coming from his earphones. I don't want to interrupt him, so I sit on the corner of his bed to wait for him to finish.


It was about an hour later, he hadn't even glanced my way and his pace was still the same. If the rumors about beating people up are true, I feel bad for them because they didn't stand a chance. I couldn't just wait around all day so I did what I dreaded. I went over near him. His back was to me and there was no way to get his attention without touching him. I tap his shoulder and he spins around, his fist coming with him. He punches me right in the stomach and I fall to the floor screaming in pain. I clench onto my stomach, tears streaming down my face. Ashton looks at me with wide eyes and immediately crouches to the the ground beside me frantically apologizing.

"Oh my god! Maggie! I'm so sorry! For goodness sake! You don't sneak up on someone when they are punching. Oh my god! Does it hurt bad? Of course it hurts bad are you delusional? Well I'm not sure if I gave that punch all I got. Well you gave it at least some of what you got! Maggie's in pain what do I do? I don't know, maybe ice! Great idea!"

I watch Ashton with a smile and almost laugh at his conversation with himself, but then I got waves of pain and groan.

Ashton's head snaps down to look at me and he puts his hand on the edge of my shirt, "May I?" I nod and he lifts my shirt and curses under his breath, "I'm gonna go get you some ice. Don't move."

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