Chapter 28: I Kissed a Boy and I Liked It

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§I Kissed a Boy and I Liked It§

*Seth's POV*

"I just don't understand!" I groan while running a hand through my hair, "If she starts to like you then why do you blow her off? Isn't the point of it getting the girl?"

He sighs and bangs his head on the table, "Are you really gonna question my methods? You came to me. So shut up and listen."

I nod and look at him, "If you blow her off and make it seem like you don't care for her, she will do whatever she can to make you like her. Which means free stuff." He smiles and leans back while glancing at the clock.

"Okay. I guess I get it."

He stands up quickly grabs my arm and pushes me to the door, "Good. Okay, great session. Go get her champ. Leave."

"What's the rush man?"

He looks down and chuckles nervously, "Nothing. I'm good. But seriously dude. Leave."

I sigh and shake my head. Must be some girl. I walk down his driveway and see Jessi getting in her Jeep.

Now can be my chance. I jog over to her and tap on her window. She rolls it down and raises an eyebrow at me, "What Seth?"

Keep it cool man, "You're hot babe."

She just chuckled, "Yeah. I know. Anything else?"

I sighed, "You look nice in that car, but you would look better on my arm."

She rolled her eyes, "That all you got?"

"No wonder the sky is grey, all the blue is in your eyes."

"I have brown eyes..."

I mentally cursed myself, "What's a innocent girl like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?" I send a wink for extra flare and she laughs.

"You think I'm innocent?" She sighs and pats my head.

I frowned, "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

"No but I scraped my knee crawling up from hell."

"Are you a photographer? Cuz I can picture you and I together."

"Oops.. Out of film."

"You take my breath away."

"Hurry, find someone who knows CPR."

"You look a lot like my next girlfriend."

"You know, I have been told that I have a few dopple gangers running around this town..."

"If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I would have a galaxy."

"If I had a star for every time YOU brightened my day, I'd have darkness."

"Is your dad an art thief, cuz you're a masterpiece."

She rolls her eyes, "My dad's a steel mill worker."

"Are your lips lonely? Maybe they'd like to meet mine."

"No... But foot is itching to communicate to you your ass."

"If I could arrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together."

"Why bother when N and O are already next to each other?" She smirks.

"Are you a light switch? Cuz you turn me on."

She looks around at my body, "Is there a button to turn it off?"

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