Chapter 11: My Hero!

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§My Hero!§

~*~So since I took forever to upload the date I've decided to update again really soon. Hope you enjoy!~*~

"Omigosh!!" Jessi squeals jumping around my room like a maniac.

"Shh.... Quiet down your going to wake the whole neighbourhood!" I whisper shout, smiling as I replay the nights events over and over again in my head. After the walk on the beach we had went back to the restaurant to get Ashton's car. After he pulled into my driveway and turned off the engine, he linked hands with me and asked me to be his girlfriend. I of course said yes. Everything was so perfect. He walked me to my door and I thanked him for dinner and everything that followed. I kissed his cheek and slipped into my house practically glowing with happiness. Jessi was of course waiting for me on my bed, bursting with questions.

"You are so lucky! I wish I had a boyfriend." She mumbled still showing happiness for me.

"Top of my to do list. Find Jessi a boyfriend." I giggle as she rolls her eyes playfully punching me.


Thursday. The day before Friday. The day that always feels like Friday and tricks us into being happy just to make us fall flat on our face when we have to wake up early again the next day. Thursday. The day of drama. I know I'm a drama geek, but I love the way it feels when I slip into a new character. It's as if the world drifts away and the only people there are the people in the scene we're working on. I sit up yawning and look at my clock, 6:00. I smile to myself, I've always been a morning person. I walk to my closet and pick out my outfit: a blue and black "crop top" with Aztec designs that shows my stomach at some points, white shorts, and my black studded converse. I walk into my bathroom and turn on the faucet of the bathtub. After my shower I wrap my towel around my body, curl my hair loosly, put on some makeup and walk out to change. I loosen my grip on my towel and turn around. As I'm about to drop it I hear a wolf whistle. I spin around tightening the towel around my body. Derek.

"What the hell?!" I scream my heart still pounding ferociously from my scare.

"Awe.. No please, do continue. I was just starting to enjoy the show." He says wriggling his eyebrows seductively.

"Shut up perv!" I mumble walking to my window slamming it and shutting my curtains.


I get out of my car and see the groups of kids swarming around a vehicle. I roll my eyes. He's been here for 4 days, you'd think they would be over it. I walk past, invisible like always. Or so I hoped, but he caught a glimpse of me through the crowd. He pushed himself away and started walking my way. Soon he caught up to me and all eyes were on me.

"Hey!" He said stepping into sinc with me.

"Uh..hey?" I look around at everyone's faces. Some angry, some jealous, but all looked confused. I chuckle to myself, they probably never knew I went to this school. A few people I recognize as Sam and Seth come out of the crowd and came by us.

"Hey Maggie!" Seth chirps

"Hello. Um..why are y'all talking to me?" They give me a puzzled look.

"'re our friend?" I just stare at Derek like he's grown a 2nd head. Me? A friend of theirs? All of them? I'm soon yanked out of my thoughts by Derek's voice, "Uh-oh here comes wannabe bad boys."

I look over at Derek's line of sight and see 3 guys wearing leather jackets with black aviators on. They are all smirking looking at the girls acting all "cool" and "badass".

"Hey hot thaaaannggg." One of the boys say pulling down their sunglasses looking me up and down.

I scoff and roll my eyes before answering, "Please. I only go for guys that are a normal height. Sorry munchkin." He was really short, my guess was about 4'7 tops. Ohs fill the crowded student area of the school.

"Tough luck. How 'bout I show you what a taller bad boy can do?" Another guy said. He was taller and was in the middle. I assumed he was the leader.

"I'll pass, but I'm sure that there are plenty of girls in the crowd wishing you would show them." I smile sickenly sweet once more then turn to leave. A hand soon wraps around my wrist pulling me into a body. I struggle, but it's no use I'm trapped in his grasp.

"Let go!" I shout sternly into his face.

"You wanna say that again?" He starts to kiss across my jawline trailing them down my neck.

"L-let go?" I try to keep from moaning as he finds my soft spot. He chuckles against my skin biting softly. I still squirm trying to get out of his grasp weakly.

"Let.Her.GO!" Someone growls behind us. He stops mid-kiss and looks up, as soon as he does though he stifens and releases my wrist. I sigh in relief and turn around ready to thank my savior and come face to chest with none other than Ashton. I hug him and he holds tight.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I whisper

"From now on I drive you to school." He smirks down at me. Before I know it his lips are attached to mine, but he releases too soon for my liking. I stick my lip out in pout and he chuckles and bites it playfully, "We can kiss later, but now I need to deal with him." He cracks his knuckles and looks at the boy.

"I-I'm sorry man. I di-I didn't know she was taken. Especially by you." The guy says shaking with his face drained of color.

"Well now you do. I'm going to let you off with a warning," The boy let's out a sigh of relief and his shoulders loosen. Ashton smiles and turns to leave, but quickly spins around and punches the guy in the jaw, "If you ever come near my girl again, I will personally make sure you never walk again. Got it Dylan?" Dylan nods as he cradles his jaw. He scrambles away quickly and his "gang" follows. Ashton turns back to me with a smirk on his face, he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into him.

"My hero," I breathe out between kisses.

~*~So this may be short, but trust me when I say I'm already writing the next chapter expect it in the next few days. Thanks for reading. Love y'all~*~

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