Chapter 1

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1. Normal life until my burger gets stolen

"Get your filthy hands off me"

Yeah I know that sounded really rude but I was panicking. Imagine you're on the streets just chilling eating junk food like a burger for example when this creepy smelly old hag drags you to a corner and grabs the burger you bought for yourself and actually gulps it down without stopping to savor the taste. That cost actual money and money doesn't grow on trees. Watching her gulp it down without even an expression of appreciation or satisfaction made me feel sick. Food is my life. You respect food, you respect my life. It is what it is.

I don't think my burger was all she wanted; she seemed to want money too. (Possibly to buy more burgers) She'd cornered me, her fat bulk covering any space for me to escape and I couldn't exactly push her and go. Ok yeah I guess I could've but I'm like the perfect gentleman. Shoving women around wasn't exactly my style but that wasn't exactly the whole reason. Let's just say I was sort of intrigued by the fact that someone (even if it was a fat old lady) was taking an interest in me. Finally something new seemed to be happening in my usually boring life. 

"What do you want? I've got no money, I spent it all on that burger you grabbed from me and ate." 

I tried not to cry or punch her in the face. I was beginning to calm down but then she smiled making me freak out all over again. The smile was like a total replica of joker from batman two. My worst nightmare ever and I'm a person who doesn't get scared easily.

"A choice" she said in a sing song voice. I shrugged. 

"Fine, shoot. When you're quite finished you can give me money to buy myself another burger." Ok I know what you're thinking. I shouldn't have added the last part but I was seriously hungry and that one burger was possibly my entire three meals. 

"Memories or magic?" she asked. That's when I realized my mistake. I completely forgot the fact that I, Alex Slogan hated choices. I'm a really indecisive person. If I had to choose between life and a burger I have no idea what I'd pick. I'm sorry but I'm weird like that. Get used to it. I decided to humor her. She was clearly crazy and just asked me some random thing that had popped into her head. 

"Magic" I said. "Ok......" she said staring at me as if she was expecting me to turn into some zombie. After like five minutes it began to feel awkward. She seemed to be staring at my hair longingly and suddenly I realized she was wearing a wig. She was bald. Finally she broke the silence before I could ask something rude like 'what happened to your hair?'

"Murder or mucus?" I was like dang we are still playing would you rather. I thought about it. I didn't know what mucus was but I'm pretty sure it's something to do with frogs and slime and I hate frogs." Murder" I told her and then I immediately felt a searing pain on my left wrist. I looked down in horror to see a black tattoo forming.

"Oh my god!" the woman said sounding like a teenager. I have officially given up on trying explaining how weird my life is. Hopefully by now you are getting the idea. If you aren't, welcome to my world. I examined the tattoo curiously. It looked kind of cool. 

"Did you do this?" I asked her. Not that she looked like she owned some champion tattoo shop and no, I don't think she laser tattooed it just by looking at my wrist. But I'm sort of beginning to understand that this woman isn't normal. She just shrugged but if I was any good at reading expressions she looked scared and maybe even slightly concerned. "You know what this is. Tell me" I said. "It's black" she said. I scowled with impatience. 

"Wow thanks. That totally answered my question."

 She grinned wickedly and pointed towards the wall behind me as if there was a burger or something hovering in the air. Like an immature three year old I looked back. In a flash I realized it was a trick but by the time I had turned around she was no longer blocking my space. She had vanished. I know that's what I wanted all this time but it felt like an insult that she seemed to have known that I'd fall for such an old trick.

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