40. The memories of a villain.
Ash gulped and stepped towards Ru Twilight and concentrated hard on her tattoo suddenly to our horror she fell down unconscious but her body was covered with a hot pink shimmering aura. Mavis smiled at me and Violet. "Dinner time" she said and licked her lips lavishly.
Ru Twilight was born to a woman named Leonora and her husband Mayura Twilight. They were very poor but they did everything to make sure their only son Ru, was having a good life. They sacrificed practically everything to make sure he got a good education and had a good place in the world among the people. They didn't realize that their love and protection was creating a spoilt brat. A child who had big plans. Plans to be the big man.
But he was worthy of his big plans. He was an individual with a keen intellect. Clever. Very clever. He grew up to be a rich and powerful architect. He created his own kingdom after his own last name Twilight.
Lastly when he finished the biggest part of his plan. The superior building. The empire. The palace. He added the final touch.
The palace would be filled with traps. Protection for him if anyone tried to question his power. He created a small device which he could easily carry around to protect himself around his home. A watch. A black Rolex watch with the strap covered with tiny black buttons. Millions of tiny black buttons which could activate each and every tile of the entire floor of the throne room.
He became the king and made his own hard working loving parents work for him as slaves. They soon passed away, their hearts filled with grief and horror at the monster they had created. That was the moment Ru Twilight realized he too, would die one day. Death was inevitable.
He sent three of his most efficient slaves who feared him the most to find a prevention method to death. Fear was an advantage. He warned them that if they didn't have an answer they may as well never return.
None of them were successful apparently. Two came back, expecting to be allowed to go back to their families and loved ones, but Ru Twilight unmercifully beheaded them in rage and disappointment.
When he was about to give up hope, the third slave came stumbling into the palace clutching the empty eye holes on his face. He was blind. He claimed that he had ventured deep into the forest towards the south west direction beyond the Twilight borders. An unimaginable dark creature with five tentacles had sucked out his eyes.
He had stumbled on for days eating whatever his hands had come across. Trying to find his way back to report what he had found. Little did he know he was just going further into the dark forest. The raven's path. That was the current name of the forest.
He had stumbled onwards calling for help. Falling. Crawling. No one had come to save him. He had finally given up and howled like a wide animal. Hurt. After all his sacrifices no one had come. No one had come to his rescue.
He was dying. He knew it. Not physically. Mentally. When he was finally allowing himself to lose his final strand of sanity he felt clawed fingers gripping his face. They felt old and wrinkled. He found himself being lifted up and carried to an unknown location.
There was a fire. He could tell because of the warmth and the smell of burning tree branches. The creature that had brought him here, sang him to sleep, poured water down his dry throat and tended to his wounds bathing them daily.
When he had recovered enough the creature had communicated with him telepathically and had sent him, guided him back towards the palace. The slave was certain that this creature was the one Ru was looking for. It would have an answer.
Ru Twilight was interested. This was the only lead he had to go on and he was ready to follow it. He packed a small case and went to find his destiny or to meet his doom.
He spent nights stumbling across the roots of trees and bushes without seeing a soul. A week passed. Nothing. He was beginning to think the slave had made it up. On the thirteenth day which was ironically a Friday, he noticed a difference. The forest seemed more alive.
That was strange. In the dark of the night an old withered creature approached him and lifted him up. He stayed unmoving so he could find out how much the slave said was accurate. He smelt smoke and slowly opened his eyes.
On the other side of the fire a brown bodied withered creature waited. It reminded Ru of a tree root. It was sitting cross legged meditating.
"What do you wish?"
He was taken aback. He heard those words straight into his mind. Loud and clear.
"I wish to live."
He sensed that he didn't have to elaborate. This creature would understand what he required. He would not be underestimated.
"Escape death? Impossible. Choosing the coward's path and cheating death. Possible."
"How must I do it?"
"Cheat? You are a coward. But if that is what you wish. So be it. Hear me well. I do not wish to repeat myself. Bear a child. A child with the strength to withstand two souls. Yours and the child's own one. I will assist you in any way I can. But be warned. I will not live as long as you wish. I will not live long enough to help you do everything you want to do. I cannot accomplish what you need accomplished. I am ancient and my death is nearing. But for the time being I will help you."
"I have made mistakes in my time. Many. Granting wishes to man who ventures into the forest is how I am prepared to make amends."
"What was the wish you granted to the man who came before me?"
"I was surprised that he did not wish for sight. All he wished was to return to the palace to report his discovery. Me."
Ru almost felt guilty for beheading the third slave as well. He was blind, he was of no use anymore. Unfortunately it seemed that the slave was extremely devoted.
Ru needed to bear a child. He needed to do it fast. He searched the woods for any mystical being and finally laid eyes upon a subtly beautiful shape shifter named Decoria which was the Latin term for beautiful. Decoris.
Shape shifters were immortal they would only die if they were killed. Old age would never wither them. They were also language experts and had a peculiar love towards Latin and Greek. Two languages with good substance.
Together they had two children. Sophie and Arbitrius. Sophie was named by Ru and Arbitrius was named by her mother. Another Latin word. Choice. Arbitrium. That was what it meant.
Sophie later became queen and was possessed by Ru Twilight. She was evil and bad but her daughter Lucy was a whole lot worse. The souls just kept adding onto the next and when the mystical creature from the forest died it was Violet who was crowned queen. She found herself the magic witch Arthur who practically came up to her and offered her knowledge and the rest was history.
Power of M
AdventureI didn't ask for any of this. all of this happened anyway. we don't have control over our futures. all we can do is go with the flow with our fingers crossed, hoping for the best. that's what I spend my entire life doing. Hoping.