24. "Memory Restore Failed..."

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Not gonna lie. Hiro is kinda smart. He's whipped up diagrams real quick for a brain restorer. We worked all night getting this thing built. It took some duck tape kills by me. Sometimes you have to cut corners on the physical appearance. "Now we have to get Gogo over here. But how are we going to do that jay?  Asked Hiro. "Hold up. I say. I grab my phone. "Hey Jason, you know the drill. Get Gogo over here ASAP." I say over the phone. And then hang up. "Jason's got it," I said

"I've never got to ask because of my freak show. But is Jason your nicer clone? But can turn into a car?" Asks Hiro. "Yep, he was my prototype and helped keep Gogo safe while I was away. But after I Got Gogo over to Wisconsin. I finally made Him a final product. He's been assigned as Gogos watcher and caretaker. If she was to pass away. I wouldn't be able to live with myself" I say. It's true. I couldn't live without her. Her being alive at this moment is my only motivation to live. "That makes more sense," Hiro said. "It explains why Gogo was semi okay when you were "dead". I'm sorry man. I let my emotions take over me. I managed to find someone else. Karmi. She's my girl. And I don't want her to go. " Hiro said. "Well how would you feel if I took her from you," I said. Hiro went silent. "I'm kidding. Take a joke" I laughed punching him in the shoulder. He let out a nervous chuckle.

Jason's POV

I got a call from jay, he wants Gogo back into San Fransokyo. Why he's there I don't know but there's been some weird monsters jumping out of the ocean here. So I've left work to protect Gogo at all cost. Me and Gogo are "friends" you could say. So she'll be able to listen to me. And she doesn't go by Gogo. She goes by her legal name. Lieko tomago. I kinda miss calling her Gogo but it's whatever. Hopefully, she can get her memory soon.

3rd person POV

3 days later. Hiro and jay have been finishing the brain restorer. Jay was the test subject and everything went fine. Hiro managed to get videos of jay acting like a whole baby. They both laughed and had a good time. Seems their getting along perfectly fine

Jays POV.

As Jason arrived in the disaster looking city of San Fransokyo. He has Gogo. But as Gogo doesn't remember much. She goes by her first name Lieko. I'm happy to see her. But I'm not happy to see her in this condition. Hiro managed to rodeo up the others. Fred. Wasabi and honey all had confused looks on their faces. I explain that I'm jay. And that everything is going to be okay.

We started with Fred. We've restored his brain. It took him a couple of minutes to realize what happened. And then he greeted me "JAY YOU'RE ALIVE? " "yup, " I say. And then we went to honey lemon. We needed to get honeyzilla back together. It took her about 20 minutes to restore her mind. "She big brain," I said laughing. Next was wasabis it took him about 15 minutes. Not as long as honey. But still longer than Fred.

Last but not least. Lieko (Gogo). It so long that I got extremely worried. We waited and waited. And then the restore process pinged "Memory Restore Failed..." I started to shed some tears. "Why. Why doesn't every bad thing happen to me" I cried. As I hoped in Sam and raced off into the shadows. Leaving a faint engine roar in the distance.

Hiros pov

Before I jay raced off I tried comforting him but failed. He locked up and ran away like usual. Stuff must've really happened in his past before I did some stuff. And now I feel bad. I turn to Gogo "do you know jay?" I ask. "Who's jay?" 3 years ago. This would've been the best thing ever. But now jay needs Gogo. If we're going to have to save the world. We need everyone on board with this. "Jason" I called. "Yes, Hiro?" Jason replies. "Show me the backup pictures with jay and Gogo". As Jason starts showing her pictures she starts to shed a tear. "I really fell in love" mumbled Gogo.

Gogo POV

My head hurts a lot. It feels like a heart is beating inside my skull. Hiro. My biggest crush. I have this weird looking person named Jason over to show my past with jay. And I started crying. And I don't cry. Why did I fall for this so-called jay? But now Hiro. Did something happen? I'm confused. And my head hurts. "Hiro, why didn't me and you work I liked you a lot," I asked.

"Because. Something about his vibe kept you safe from your past. Every time you were with him you lit up like a light bulb. You guys had good memories and times. But my idiotic self happened to Mess it up. I wiped your brain Gogo. I wanted you and jay to be done forever. And when danger came. Jay came for my help so we agreed to get everyone's brains back to normal. But as you see from the log. Your brain restore happen to fail and your missing everything that you had with jay. That's why he raced off. I'm sorry Gogo. I really am. All I wanted to do this morning was to make things right today. But I failed you and jay. Hiro explained.

I can't help to be upset at Hiro. But at the same time for him. He made a mistake and he tried fixing it. But failed. It wasn't his fault the machine didn't work. Stuff happens. But I need to find who this jay person is. To find out if everything Hiro said was true. Because for some reason. My heart is telling me not to trust him as if he did something way more severe.

3rd person POV.

Jay and Hiro came up with a new machine to restore memories. But as turned out. It failed on the most important piece of ye puzzle. Will jay and Gogo reunite. Or will jay take the solo route? And do stuff alone.

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