40. The Final Battle

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3rd person POV

Sam brings Jackson and Amrik to the games to learn how to use their disks. Amrik was outstanding with his disk. He was able to obliterate other programs with less than five throws. Jackson on the other hand wasn't the best at his throws and aims. He cursed every time he missed. But after a while, he was able to survive and take over the programs. After the games were over an unexpected guest appeared. Sam tried to step into play. But Cora held him back. "They're ready, their emotions will be their motivation," she says.

Jackson's POV

This was definitely a workout. I failed so many times and I was frustrated with myself as I can't even throw a ball straight. Amrik was over there demolishing programs like he was in a pro league frisbee tournament. As Amrik was walking over to me. A Recognizer framed in green outlines appeared. And familiar face appeared smiling. "Well, well, well, who do we got here? Amrik and Jackson." Jay snarled. "Oh boy this is gonna be fun. I'm so underprepared" I thought. Amrik walked to my side with his disk in hand prepped to throw with his helmet on. To be frankly honest, he looked like a modern-age Tron. "We're here to get you out of this place," I said firmly. "You don't belong here. You belong in the world, the real world. Saving people. Like Lieko tomago" I continued. From my view, he froze as if the jay I knew was still there fighting for freedom. He yelled back "now that's a joke Jackson, there's nothing for me there. That place is an absolute hell hole and I will take over it, the grid will be the only real world" he threw his disk, Amrik and I dodged it. I grabbed the stick from my leg and ran and transformed it into a light runner and sped and grabbed Amrik.

Amrik's pov

As Jackson and I were speeding off. Jay was chasing us his off-grid build light cycle. Chasing us. Jackson looks at me. "Stop this vehicle." He says firmly. Something in his voice sounded like he had a plan. Little did I know jay had Sarina and she was screaming. And I slammed on the breaks. He gets out and transforms the light runner into his stick. "Go," he says. "No I can't go without Sarina" I cried back. His helmet flips on "I said GO" he yells in a robotic voice. I have no choice but to listen to him. I grabbed my stick and kept going forward to the portal.

Jackson's pov

I transformed the stick into a light cycle and went full speed towards jay and Sarina "game over, old friend" I said and grabbed my disk and skipped it in front of his bike and he flipped over. I grabbed Sarina. "Take my stick, catch up with Amrik, he may like you but you're also his ticket out of here," I said. She looked at me worriedly and transformed and sped off. "Look what you have done Jackson. Now I can't take over the world. She's my key" jay screamed grabbing his disk. "Oh well..."

Amrik's pov

Sarina caught up to me and was able to jump into the vehicle at full speed. Man, she's got skills. Before I was able to greet Sarina. A big flash happened behind me. I slammed on the breaks. "NOOOOO" I screamed. "Jackson..." I stuttered. Sarina grabbed my shoulder "he's gone, but we have to go or it'll be both of us as well. I hopped backed into the vehicle and floored it. I've never driven so aggressively in my life but I was both pissed and upset that I lost one of my closest friends.

Time skip

After what felt like 15 minutes I arrived at the portal. Sam was waiting there. He walked to me. "You're gonna need this," he said handing me his disk. "If you want to leave this portal you'll need me. Once you leave the grid will be destroyed and rebuilt. Don't worry about me. You need to get out of here as soon as you can" he continued and then drove off with his light cycle. I looked at Sarina and started walking to the portal. She grabbed my hand. I held it firmly. "I didn't say I was done" a voice came from behind me. I let go of Sarina's hand and pushed her behind me to protect her. "And I said I was done here, bitch" I said. I grabbed Sarina's hand. And ran towards the portal. Jay started running towards us and then a familiar face pulls up. It was Jackson. I stopped. "Get on that damn portal and leave. I have this covered" he said. He had no arm and was missing half of his other arm. I obeyed his words and went to the portal. Jackson knelt and powered the bridge allowing a strong current wind to push jay back. I lifted sams disk and in the portal and held it high and Sarina clung on to me. "That's one cool trick Jackson, like usual. Full of surprises. So long brotha" I say. He looks back and smiles. And looks away. Not even seconds away. I was thrown back into Flynn's office. I couldn't help to be upset. But stuff happens. We lose someone every now and then. I walk outside. And I was greeted by Sarina. In a black outfit. With a leather coat. All that was left of Jackson was his car. So I took it and told Sarina to get in and we drove off. This was the moment I knew I had to face everyone in San Fransokyo. To tell them. Jay and Jackson have passed away. Jackson in favor of sacrificing himself to keep me alive.

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