Apparition 21: The unforgettable trauma

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"Someone! Please! Help me!"

Shouted Yashiro, tears flowing down her eyes as she slammed the door to the side. Everyone looked alarmed, Aoi being the first to storm up to her.

As soon as she was within her sight, Yashiro stumbled as she grabbed onto her shoulders, and the action made everyone realize how much blood coated her skin. Desperate, she tried to pull her friend out the door, dirtying her clothes furthermore. "He-- He's hurt and he's not moving! We have to get someone!"

Due to Yashiro's panic, it was well received and even became contagious, now there were many students rushing to the scene.

Unbeknownst to you and Teru, the two of you were about to begin eating, although you realized that you didn't carry something which was quite crucial. "Darn it, I left my chopsticks..!"

Placing your meal to the side, Teru stopped his movements altogether and gave you a glance with his curious blue optics. He also did the same with his own meal. "I'll come with you, then. I'd rather not eat alone."

A kind and charming smile centered onto his face, because of it-- it was difficult for you to refuse. You were rubbing your head nervously as you were accompanied by Teru, who was actually in the middle of calling his younger brother.

He opened the door for you, to which you bowed your head and entered. Teru lowered his device after some time, giving a glance into the hallway. "He's not answering.. I wonder if he really is just running late.."

Deciding to call him yet again, he silenced himself in wait, although a discreet revelation urged his eyes to widen. It was until he was directed to voicemail did he hang up. "[Y/N]."

You brought your eyes to the male, who suddenly looked skeptic. He didn't reply, but instead he contacted Kou once more quite effortlessly, still maintaining his eyes forward. "Do you.. hear that, by any chance?"

A wave of quietude was offered, and during this time your ears tried to catch wind of any sounds that you could potentially come across.

Teru wasn't only hearing things, either. In fact, you could also take in the sound of a ringing cell phone, growing louder and louder over the both of your advancement.

You didn't want to create assumptions.. but there was something disturbing lingering in the air. It made your throat feel parched, unable to gulp. Giving a look to Teru, you knew that he also realized what might have been at fault here, thus he quickened his pace to turn around the corner.

By then, you wanted to catch up with him, mustering a "Wait", in hesitance. Also turning the corner, the source of the ringing had been undeniably close.. Although you ended up bumping into Teru's back, the male in front of you remaining completely still.

"Teru..?" You spoke out to him, confused as to why he was at a standstill, almost like a statue. When you shifted around him, you spotted his wide and dull irises, drenched in denial. Much to your dismay, you followed his gaze, questioning why he was left captivated in horror.

Ahead of you was a particular blond resting on the floor, his device resting near his opened hand. He was as still as the two of you, not moving a muscle with liters of blood sourcing from a head injury.

Your eyes suddenly blurred in response to the horror you saw, and you collapsed to the floor with a heavy thud. On the other hand, Teru didn't outwardly reveal his terror as he sprinted up to his brother, his hands scurrying for wounds. "Kou? Kou??? Oh god.. W-Who... did this to you?!"

Teru quickly pressed his fingers to the side of his neck, and after doing so he turned around to look at you with haste in his eyes. "He's alive! I can feel his pulse!"

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